The Most Suitable Exercises To Ease Your Scoliosis




Have you ever felt like walking to the right, but your body just wants to stay in the other direction?

That’s the simplest way to describe what scoliosis patients tend to experience. This health condition causes your once-straight back to curve into a C or an S, depending on how severe the problem is. “Scoliosis is a spinal deformity consisting of lateral curvature and rotation of the vertebrae,” Joseph A Janicki, MD explains.

The thing about scoliosis is that it is mostly a side effect of previous injuries. If you received a surgery that made your pelvis uneven, you might develop the spinal curvature. In case your head, foot or knee went under the knife, it’s possible to have this disorder too.

Now, you got two options to correct the matter. The first one is another medical operation. It’s cool if you don’t mind the recovery period and the fact that the doctors will cut your upper body open. The second choice is to exercise your way out of it. When you are stressed out or anxious, your muscles often tighten. “Since scoliosis affects the muscles in the back and core, the more relaxed you are the less contracted the muscles may be. This can assist greatly with pain management,” Jason Lowenstein says.

Check out the most suitable workouts to ease your scoliosis below.




Side Stretch

Stretching your figure sideways is a great technique to kickstart the day. The activity can release the tension on the spine and improve your stiff muscles.

What to do:

  1. Stand up straight and make the distance of your feet as wide as your shoulders.
  2. Beginning with your right, put your arm upward, and then arch it to the side as if you’re trying to reach something.
  3. Make sure to support your hip on the other half of your body to maintain your back’s stability.
  4. Do it until you feel your muscles tighten.
  5. Repeat on the left side.



In case you don’t like moving so much, you may try planking. It is both challenging and smooth at the same time because you need to hold a single position with most of your body parts off the ground.

What to do:

  1. For starters, plant your forearms on the mat, keeping the elbows perpendicular to the shoulders.
  2. Push yourself up from that pose until your weight is on the arms and tips of your feet.
  3. Then, open your palms and extend your arms so that your body is in a diagonal shape.
  4. Prolong the time you stay in that position gradually.




Downward Dog

This exercise is an upgraded version of the plank. It stretches your back and engages your abdominal muscles, which is a plus if you want to stay in shape.

What to do:

  1. From the same plank above, move your hips backward.
  2. Your arms can stretch to the back too, but don’t let your palms leave the ground.
  3. After that, thrust your body forward until your shoulders are in line with your palms.
  4. Repeat the steps while holding the pose each time.

“We have found that understanding the muscles that hold and move the spine yields a valuable way to reverse both common types of scoliosis. Yoga turns out to be a simple and effective means to apply it,” Dr. Loren Fishman, MD explains.

Hip Roll

The routine is perfect for making your hips more flexible. Rather than taking a toll on your spine, the movement may relax it.

What to do:

  1. Lay down on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees until your heels are almost touching your buttocks.
  3. With your core muscles tight and your neck straight, raise your pelvic area toward the ceiling.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds once your back is straight and no longer touching the ground.
  5. Once you’re ready to come down, you can start from your shoulders to the middle section.
  6. Do it again in a minute or two before moving on to a different exercise.