Chronic Disease Wellness – Path Towards Healing


When you have a serious medical condition like the flu or bronchitis, you know that things will get better and you are going to feel well again soon. With a chronic condition, this is not the case. It can cause many disruptions to your life and might never go away. 

A family as a whole may experience stress from illness. It’s common for relationships to get strained between couples. Acquiring a chronic illness diagnosis, like cancer, diabetes, or arthritic conditions, can be devastating. It’s common to feel a variety of emotions following a diagnosis like this. To lead a happy life and foster chronic disease wellness, you have the opportunity to control these emotions, though.

What Is A Chronic Illness?

Chronic illnesses frequently last for a year or longer. In addition, you might require continuous medical attention and experience challenges carrying out your daily tasks. These actions, which are referred to as activities of daily life, include things like getting dressed and using the restroom. These challenges may also have an impact on your family.

When managing a chronic condition, disease management is crucial. This involves making sure that therapy is adhered to and preserving a good quality of life. Additional stressors could arise from the possibility of having a chronic illness transforming your life, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships.

The majority of chronic illnesses are typically not fully treated and do not resolve on their own. Certain conditions, like heart disease and stroke, might pose an urgent threat to life. Others, like diabetes, worsen over time and require careful health control. For some, like arthritis, most chronic illnesses don’t necessarily result in death; they don’t always last the entirety of a person’s life. The best approach is always chronic disease prevention, but sometimes you have to make do with what you have through self management education and other health programs, for example.

What Are Some Effects Of Chronic Illness?

In addition to the unpleasant symptoms specific to the medical condition, chronic illnesses can cause intangible manifestations, including pain, exhaustion, and mood issues. Your days can start to feel a lot of pain and exhaustion that sometimes you can’t explain. You presumably have some self-care obligations in addition to your medical condition, such as taking medication or exercising. Completing your health management duties on time may also lead to stress.

Your look may vary due to physical changes caused by an illness. All of these developments may negatively impact a favorable self-image. You might avoid colleagues, friends, family, and social situations if you have trouble feeling good about yourself. Although they are very treatable, mood disorders, including feelings of anxiety and depression, are frequently stated complaints of patients with long-term illnesses.

An ongoing medical condition may also affect your capacity for career advancement. Adapting your work style may be necessary to manage physical constraints such as reduced range of movement, discomfort in the morning, and others. You may experience financial troubles as well.

If you are working from home, your tasks could be a lot more challenging to complete. It may be necessary to seek assistance from your partner, a family member, or an independent home health care agency. You might experience anxiety, a sense of being out of control, and a sense of impending doom as your life changes. Individuals who had the opportunity to stay at home may have to go back to seeking employment in some families, reversing roles.

Stress can accumulate and change how you feel about life in general. Prolonged stress can cause annoyance, frustration, despair, hopelessness, and occasionally depression. It is possible for people in your family, as well as yourself, to experience this. They are also impacted by a loved one’s ongoing medical issues.


When To Seek Help To Cope With Chronic Illness?

There is a list of potential stressors and indicators that you might encounter when dealing with a severe condition or chronic illness. To gain a deeper understanding of your illness, get assistance from a professional in the field of mental health as soon as you can.

Getting assistance as quickly as you feel like you can’t handle things is the most crucial thing you can do. Early intervention will assist you in managing the various consequences of a chronic illness. Maintaining a healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective on life will be made easier by learning how to deal with stress.

A mental health professional can assist you in creating an intervention strategy or treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs. Everyone deserves to live a better quality of life, and these techniques are designed to assist you in reclaiming control over your life. If you are depressed, your healthcare provider might recommend medicine to help control your mood and improve your quality of life.

Ways To Cope With Chronic Illness

The stress of having a chronic illness can be managed in numerous ways. Among them are:

Finding Information And Understanding The Condition

Getting knowledge and understanding the situation can be helpful if you feel powerless or uncontrollable. Knowing your condition is the first step towards understanding the risk factors that contribute to you feeling vulnerable. After you’ve accepted your circumstances, you can proceed to the necessary steps for healing and recovery. Remember that having precise knowledge can give you a sense of empowerment and advance the establishment of an action plan.

Emotional Support From Others

Maintaining relationships with loved ones and friends can be quite beneficial when dealing with a chronic illness. When signs and symptoms appear, or you are faced with an unclear medical future, keep up interactions with others and have a solid support system. To prevent social isolation, you may participate in a support group that is well-led. In this manner, you won’t have to worry about fighting this war alone and may continue to concentrate on getting better health.

Setting Concrete, Short-Term Goals

Understand how to manage the signs and symptoms to regain control, power, and clarity. Letting go of responsibilities you don’t truly want to or are obligated to fulfill. Look for little pleasures you can enjoy each day. Continue with a schedule that you find comfortable; don’t start a new habit that might put you under too much strain, confuse you, or make you feel uncomfortable. Additionally, think about asking for assistance when you are in need of it and avoid unhealthy coping strategies like drug and alcohol abuse.

Thinking About Possible Treatment Outcomes 

Seeking guidance from professionals when required is crucial to your health and recovery. Talking about them with your physician can assist you in confronting them before they materialize. Taking care of the condition with specific treatments is essential. Keep your faith and trust in the physicians, particularly if there is little chance of recovery. Never disregard professional advice in favor of self-diagnosis and self-medication. Seek the advice of specialists or licensed healthcare providers. Find out from your healthcare provider what precise actions you may take to improve your health.


Exploring Coping Mechanisms That Are Focused On Self-Care

It’s essential that you maintain a diet that is well-rounded and nutritious and engages in as much bodily activity as possible. While you might not be capable of managing every aspect of your illness, you can make healthy eating choices and take your prescription drugs on time. Retain your sense of self-worth and trust as well. In this manner, you can maintain emotional equilibrium to deal with unpleasant emotions. During the difficult moments, concentrate on your personal growth and development and make sure that your illness and its causes are just an obstacle that won’t prevent you from taking proper care of yourself.

Manage Stress And Anxiety 

Managing your stress and anxiety is one method to take care of your medical condition. A disability, financial hardships, the unpredictability of the illness, sleep disturbances, exhaustion, financial issues, physical aches and pains, restlessness and trouble forming social relationships, and worry about what’s to come are just a few of the reasons that might cause you stress. It is vital to master stress management techniques because these can put too much strain on your psychological well-being.

Careful With Lifestyle Changes 

With chronic conditions, little physical activity can be beneficial. But before you begin, find out from your healthcare provider regarding the duration and how hard you should exercise. It’s important to pay attention to your state, and some movements may not be good for your general health. As a result, during flare-ups, you could find yourself not able to perform certain workouts at all. A physical therapist or other health care professional can assist in creating an exercise regimen that will support joints without causing harm to them. Furthermore, while there’s nothing wrong with changing your diet to include healthy foods, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before making any drastic changes.

Final Thoughts And Takeaway

The ultimate goal of these health approaches and techniques is health promotion, to assist in placing into perspective your health condition, and providing some explanation for the events that are occurring. It’s difficult to live with a chronic illness, and it’s common to experience regret and despair as you accept your diagnosis and its effects. Seek assistance, though, if these negative emotions, signs, and symptoms don’t go away, if you’re having problems eating or sleeping, or if you no longer like the things you used to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is wellness in the context of chronic illness?
What is the definition of a chronic disease?
How can I be happy with chronic disease?
What is a healthy lifestyle for chronic disease?
What is wellness disease?
How does chronic illness in an individual’s life affect wellness or being healthy or unhealthy?
What is a chronic disease and how does it impact health?
What is the goal of chronic illness?
How is wellness related to health?
Is wellness defined as the absence of disease?
What is the meaning of self-care for people with chronic illness?
What are the 7 definitions of wellness?
What is the wellness of holistic health?
What causes chronic disease?
How do chronic diseases impact quality of life?


Multiple Sclerosis Management – Tips For Living Better

A condition known as multiple sclerosis (MS) can damage the nervous system and spinal cord, leading to a variety of possible unpleasant symptoms, such as issues with vision, sensation, balance, and arm or leg mobility. It’s a chronic illness that typically results in mild impairment and can also cause major disability, especially in the even of MS relapses.


It is possible to treat warning signs in a lot of situations. Although multiple sclerosis may begin at any age, patients with the condition typically receive a diagnosis in their 20s to 40s, although their typical life expectancy is significantly lowered. Approximately, the condition is two to three times as common in women as in men.

One of the most frequent indicators of disability in young adults is multiple sclerosis. Every person with the illness often experiences the effects differently. Some folks only require minor medical attention for their signs and symptoms. Others will find it difficult to move around and carry out everyday duties.

Causes Of The Condition

Myelin, the fatty sheath that covers the nerve endings in the central nervous system and spinal cord, is attacked by an autoimmune process that causes primary progressive MS, an inflammatory degenerative disease. This causes scarring (plaques or sclerosis) by interfering with electrical signals that travel via the nerves from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.

Although the exact cause of the immune system’s attack on myelin is unknown, environmental factors and genetics are most likely involved. MS primarily affects young to middle-aged individuals, affects women more often than men, and is more prevalent in areas in the higher latitudes—possibly as a result of exposure to the sun and a shortage of vitamin D.
Physicians are still unsure of the precise cause of multiple sclerosis and why one patient might have fewer brain lesions than another.

However, current research indicates that a variety of factors, including genes, location, and even the air. While certain factors can exacerbate MS symptoms, such as emotional trauma and infectious disease, there is no proof that anything you do will prevent or delay the disease’s natural course.

Although the precise cause of MS is unknown, there are a number of factors that appear to increase the likelihood of developing the illness. Certain genes may increase an individual’s risk of developing it. Moreover, smoking may also increase the danger.

Various factors can also increase the risk of relapsing forms of MS. The flu and diseases with flu like symptoms can cause relapsing remitting MS, requiring more clinical trials to confirm. Relapses can then turn into secondary progressive MS, and relapsing multiple sclerosis can damage your body further than its capacity to repair. This makes treating progressive MS critical as soon as it’s identified.


Does Multiple Sclerosis Run in Families?

No. It is not inherited from either of your parents. However, your DNA may carry potential risk factors. You have a much higher chance of getting HPV if your parents or siblings already have it.

Multiple genes increase your risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Some theories suggest that certain genes predispose you to react more strongly to environmental stimuli. The body’s immune system reacts when exposed to it. Uncovering the involvement of genetics in Multiple Sclerosis may be made easier with new gene identification techniques.

Numerous factors have been proposed as possible contributors to multiple sclerosis (MS), including genetics. Although MS is not inherited, individuals who are related to an individual who has the disease are more inclined to develop the condition themselves; the likelihood of a sibling or child of an MS patient developing MS is estimated to be 2 to 3 in one hundred.

Do Sexual Hormones Play A Role?

There has been growing evidence that your body’s immune system can influence and become influenced by hormones, particularly sex hormones. For instance, two significant female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, may weaken your immune system. Women with MS typically have less disease activity during pregnancy when these levels of hormones are greater. The principal hormone of men, testosterone, may also inhibit immune cells and immune function.

The fact that more women than men have MS may be partially explained by men’s higher levels of testosterone. Sex hormones, including progesterone, estrogen, androgens, and prolactin, can affect various aspects of the immune system’s functioning, potentially affecting MS development, possibility, and activity due to receptors for hormones on immune cell membranes.

As more data becomes available, different interventions affecting the hormonal balance of these substances could serve as alternative treatments for MS patients. Given the impact that sex hormones have on the immune system, it is highly likely that these chemical substances also influence the prevalence and development of multiple sclerosis.

What Are The Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis?

MS symptoms are frequently inconsistent. They could be transient or permanent, moderate or severe. How multiple sclerosis symptoms manifest varies based on the specific part of the impacted neurological system. The most prevalent symptoms of multiple sclerosis are listed here. However, their individual manifestations may vary. Some of these include:

Problems With Vision

Trouble Balancing Or Walking

Difficulty Thinking Clearly

Numbness Or Weakness, Particularly In The Limbs

Stiffness In The Muscles

Depression And Anxiety

Issues With Urination Or Sexual Function

Feeling Quite Worn Out


MS Therapy  Tips For Better Living

MS cannot be cured, but several treatments and approaches can help you with symptom management, feel better, and maintain your physical health. Additionally, your healthcare provider may recommend medication to treat MS, prevent attacks, lessen symptoms, manage the stress associated with multiple sclerosis medical conditions, or decrease the progression of the disease. Physical therapy is also another option for multiple sclerosis treatment, and is beneficial for various neurological disorders.

Disease modifying treatment and disease modifying therapies are also beneficial for handling relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, and aid in preventing secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation may also be an option, but requires more clinical trials before it can be used widely.

You may also think about these few health suggestions for handling progressive, relapsing, or remitting multiple sclerosis.

Customize Your Environment

Patients with MS may find it difficult to physically manage their surroundings due to abrupt attacks of symptoms. With the help of managing the Environment, MS sufferers can take charge of their lives, manage them better, obtain more information, and do so with less effort.

When individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have their homes and workplaces set up for optimum efficiency and minimal risk, their lives are much better and easier. Reduce clutter, put safety features in the shower and bathtub, and keep necessities within easy reach to lower the chance of falls. One can think about moving furniture, using chairs with special modifications, tackling down or removing rugs to stop people from tripping, installing grab bars and no-slip adhesive in the bathtub to save people from tumbling down, and arranging the items from most use that less often.

Eat For Optimal Health

A healthy diet is beneficial for everyone, but it’s particularly essential for those who suffer from chronic illnesses like multiple sclerosis. A healthy diet helps patients feel better overall and gives them a boost of energy and optimism. Although there isn’t a specific diet for multiple sclerosis, eating a diet high in vitamins and fiber and low in fat will help alleviate symptoms and make them feel better. Patients can also maximize their energy and promote normal bowel and bladder function with the food nutrients they get.

As a healthier diet can help prevent metabolic syndrome—an all-too-common combination of high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels, high levels of cholesterol, excess weight in the abdomen, and insulin resistance— MS patients may find that their medical situation improves, and their chances of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illnesses decrease.

Address Sleep Issues

Over 50% of MS patients experience restless legs syndrome, which can lead to sleep issues such as insomnia, frequent nocturnal urination, narcolepsy, and limb spasms. Regardless of whether you have MS yourself or are providing care for someone who does, take charge and ask your healthcare provider for assistance. People with Multiple Sclerosis and their carers require as much good sleep as possible because chronic illness can be quite draining.

Treating sleep difficulties in those suffering from MS is crucial since it may be associated with other MS symptoms. This is particularly true in the cases of depression, anxiety, fatigue, and issues with memory and focus. Getting enough sleep, therefore, results in a higher standard of living and decreased impairment.

Commit To Regular Exercise

Studies indicate that individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) who engage in an aerobic exercise regimen experience enhanced cardiovascular health, heightened muscular strength, improved bowel and bladder function, and an overall more positive outlook. For those with multiple sclerosis (MS), yoga, customized tai chi, and aquatic activities are fantastic forms of exercise.

Exercise has been shown in studies to help control symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as exhaustion and difficulties walking and balancing. Moreover, exercise might elevate your mood. When the symptoms of MS are moderate, take better care of yourself overall. Engaging in physical activity can enhance mental well-being, assist in weight management, lower the risk of illness, fortify the body’s muscles and bones, and help with daily tasks.

Reach Out And Get Involved

By connecting with other sufferers and their loved ones through self-help and MS support groups, you can create an essential network for discussing concepts, learning about new research, and receiving encouragement about the condition and its effects. You can be involved by checking your area’s MS organizations and hospitals/care centers. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society may be a good starting point.

You can join any volunteer-run community that uses well-known online communication tools to provide family members of multiple sclerosis patients with dedicated support channels and easily available peer and group assistance for all phases of the disease.


If you are an MS patient or know someone who is, you are aware of how frustrating and unpredictable the illness can be. Predicting when indicators like fatigue, numbness, loss of balance, and cognitive problems may make your life harder to manage is impossible. But always remember that you are not alone in this situation. Therefore, the start of MS treatment is to prevent worsening symptoms and manage your chronic health issue. You need to consistently take care of your emotional and mental well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Manage A Patient With Multiple Sclerosis?

How Is Multiple Sclerosis Managed?

What Is The Most Effective Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis?

What Is The Approach To Multiple Sclerosis Management?

What Is The Nursing Management Of Multiple Sclerosis?

What Is The First Line Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis?

What Is The Gold Standard Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis?

Can You Manage MS With Medication?

What Is The Goal Of Care In A Patient With MS?

Can You Live A Normal Life With MS?

How To Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?

What Is Nursing Care And Management?

What Are The Causes Of MS?

When Do You Start Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis?

Can MS Pain Be Managed?

The Importance Of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness refers to the ability of an individual to recognize and understand their own thoughts, emotions, sensations, and actions as separate from the external world and from other individuals. It involves having an introspective understanding of oneself and being able to reflect on one’s own experiences, beliefs, and identity. It is considered a fundamental aspect of human cognition and is closely tied to consciousness. It involves a higher level of metacognition, which is the ability to think about and reflect on one’s own mental processes. When someone is aware of his/herself, they have the capacity to observe their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and to consider how these aspects of themselves impact their experiences and interactions with others.

There are so many factors that can damage your overall well-being through being aware of your self all the time. With all the unwanted stressors we experience every day, we become prone to mental illness. Fortunately, there are better ways to address that level of issue. We need to take extra care of our overall health, and here’s valuable information on what we should do to help.

Physically fit woman

Stay Physically Active And Fit

Exercise can contribute a lot to ourselves as it helps maintain physical strength. But the benefits of exercise don’t stop there, as it can release brain chemicals called oxytocin, which is known as “feel-good hormones.” Exercise improves this trait by helping alleviate anxiety and negativity, including improving your sense of internal standards.

There are a lot of benefits of self-awareness. Not only it promotes your own reflection of positivity, but it also makes you appreciate the present moment.

How Aware People Can Enhance Self-Consciousness

Eat A Balanced Diet

Most people view the process of eating a well-balanced diet can be very beneficial for our mental health. It is significantly important to eat at least three meals a day. Some of the foods to consider are the following:

  • wholegrain cereals or bread
  • fruits and vegetables
  • fish and meat
  • lots of water
understanding Self-awareness' impacts

One of the main reasons we can’t sometimes get rid of emotional and mental health problems is that we do not give ourselves time to rest. Often, we get to overthink life’s uncertainties, making it impossible for us to get a good night’s sleep. But to keep our mental state healthy, we need to have at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day, to begin with. Better sleep helps us in a lot of ways, such as:

  • Lowering our risk for serious health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Improving memory and supporting better cognitive function
  • Reducing physical, emotional, and mental dysfunction

Always Keep In Touch With Ourselves

An important factor in mental health improvement is private self-awareness. Therefore, we should consider taking care of ourselves more often. Because the more we tend to handle ourselves positively, the more we get to have that overall health stability.

Self-care provides us with insight into how to be the best version of ourselves. It allows us to better cope with stress, negative feedback negative behaviors and our own emotions while supporting us in prioritizing what’s important. It provides us time to understand our needs better. Self-consciousness is about aiming to be better, if not the best.

Things We Can Include:

  • Taking care of our hygiene
  • Pampering ourselves and visiting the salon
  • Taking our time to rest and rejuvenate
  • Talking to ourselves positively
  • Practicing deep breathing and meditation


stay connected to love ones

As confidence experts usually say, mental health ability is always correlated to emotional intelligence and health. The more we are emotionally unstable, the more we are prone to mental illness and lack of self-consciousness. It would be an excellent choice to identify, focus and talk about our emotional issues with people who truly understand what we are going through. To become more self-aware, we must develop our strengths.

With internal self-awareness and external public self-awareness, we can get enough true confidence to express the things we are carrying around in our minds and not to feel alone. Most people with enough confidence are honest about everything to achieve the best support they deserve. Thus, we can consider doing some of the following:

  • Call, text, or email someone we trust
  • Visit a close friend or relative and spend some time with them
  • Make it a habit to let your loved one know what you feel all the time
  • Reach out to old friends, schoolmates, and relatives that have been out of reach for a while


It is okay sometimes to feel pressured because, like anybody else, we have a lot of priorities to do. However, highly self-aware people shouldn’t let their busy schedules become the reason for their mental and emotional burnout and struggle.

Your confidence decreases when these two happen. But it should not stop us from becoming highly self-aware. It is significant for decision-making, handling behavior, gaining new insights, regulating feelings, knowing right from wrong, and the ability to self-reflect in certain situations.

A research study conducted explains that taking a break makes us more self-aware because it helps us in clearing our own thoughts and feelings. It enables us to cope with stress and have a sense of true self-esteem in hitting personal and social control.

Developing own self-awareness is socially acceptable as it helps with the moment of happiness and change in the course of behavior. The more you practice mindfulness and being self-aware, the more you understand correctly your blind spots.

Taking a break allows us to reclaim this trait, regain focus and realize unconscious thoughts and feelings. Some of the things we should do include getting a nap, yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

Would you like to describe and discover how to be self-aware and get honest or not-at-all negative honest feedback? How important is developing self-awareness in an environment? You can talk to a professional life coach or organizational psychologist for some awareness help and objectively evaluate your overall wellness.

After all, self-awareness is the focused ability to perceive and understand broad categories of stronger relationship or relationships, strengths and weaknesses, values, beliefs, and enhanced different perspectives. It is a crucial part of the self-knowledge of a person and his mental and emotional being. Build self-esteem now!


What Does It Mean To Be Self-conscious?

To be self-conscious means to possess a heightened sense of self awareness, where people are acutely attuned to their own thoughts, emotions, appearance, actions, or behavior in a way that often leads to discomfort, self-doubt, or a heightened sense of scrutiny by others. It can involve a heightened focus on how one is perceived by others, potentially leading to feelings of embarrassment or insecurity. Self-consciousness can affect various aspects of people’s lives, including social interactions, performance, and self-esteem.

What Are Self-awareness And An Example?

What Are The 4 Aspects Of Self-Awareness?

What Are The Benefits Of Self Awareness And Why Is It Important?

Self-awareness is the ability to introspect and learn, gaining insight into one’s own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. One can also acquire an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. The benefits of self awareness are numerous. It can cultivate emotional intelligence, resilience, and job satisfaction. It is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and well-being, enabling individuals to better understand themselves, leading to improved decision-making, effective communication, and stronger relationships.

How Can I Improve Self-consciousness?

To improve self-awareness, you must involve practices like mindfulness, self-reflection, and seeking feedback from trusted sources. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, where you learn to understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors better. By practicing self-compassion and setting meaningful goals, you can enhance your level of self-awareness and personal growth.

What Are Some Self-awareness Questions?

What Are The Basic Requirements For Self-consciousness?

What Are The Factors That Lead And Affect Self-consciousness?

What Causes Lack Of Self-consciousness?

A lack of self-consciousness can result from external focus, emotional avoidance, limited feedback, stress, and cultural influences. Recognizing these factors is key to developing self-awareness, which is essential for personal growth, improved well-being, and even enhanced work performance through introspection and understanding.

What are the tools used for self-awareness?

How do you build self-awareness?

Is self-awareness a skill?

What are the keys of self-awareness?

What is the main goal of self-awareness?

What is the most important of self-awareness?

What’s Up With My Anger Issues? (Mental Health Counseling)

Being mentally and emotionally unstable is all I can understand with my situation right now. But it doesn’t bother me at all. For all I care, I am just true to myself. Therefore, people can either go by with my antics or leave me alone. It does not matter whether they like me or not because I know I wasn’t born to please them. I deal with things my own way because there is no point in allowing people to share their unsolicited opinions. I don’t need it. And even if I do, I still won’t have enough reasons to listen to their suggestions.

Yes, a lot of them think I am entirely hard to deal with. But I like it that way. I am not sure why many of these individuals make a fuss about how I deal with others. This is me, and I only want to be accepted as who I am. Is that too much to ask? If my personality is the significant issue why people are choosing to stay away from me, it doesn’t matter. I don’t need them anyway (sourgraping).


How I Deal With People

So far, I deal with people the hard way. Perhaps that is because I always find myself angry, even at small things. But can you blame me? I mean, who on earth would feel happy when they get upset? Of course, there is no one. And even if people tell me that I am too naïve in just feeling angry for petty things, I do not care. If those things upset or disappoint me, then it does. I won’t control my temper just because somebody might get offended or hurt.

But to be honest, I know I am unfair to those I felt angry with and myself. I understand that my personality has nothing to do with this emotional issue. My angry disposition is not something people would easily accept and understand, and I get that. I sincerely know that people avoid me because they feel like I intend to hurt them physically, verbally, and emotionally.

My anger is way out of control most of the time. Some of the things I do are very inappropriate such as shouting at someone else’s face, breaking and smashing things into small pieces, and physically hurting someone. I also find myself lying most of sometimes so I can emotionally torture others’ feelings and thoughts. Doing these things makes me feel both in control and pathetic at the same time.


The Triggers

I know that my actions are solely based on the triggers I can’t avoid. Some of the things that can affect my anger management issue when I deal with things repeatedly. It makes me lose all the patience I have. It makes me feel stupid for putting up with things I can’t come up with a solution to. Sometimes, I also get uncomfortable when my opinions are not heard, which makes me feel unappreciated. Also, there are moments that I get in rage just for thinking about how most people bully me with my condition. And the fact that they intend to avoid me makes me lose my last inch of restricted tolerance.

I find myself entirely unpredictable as I get angry often too much. Even those memories I used to remember make me feel a little irritated. In unfortunate instances, hearing words and phrases that do not entirely concern me makes me annoyed—and knowing that people worry too much about their lives and all that makes me want to hate them. I get frustrated and agitated when I can’t control situations and sometimes people too.

Until now, I still haven’t figured out why I seem to hate everything about my life. There is so much anger in me that I feel like I need to release. In my last counseling session, my counselor told me that it is perhaps due to the childhood trauma that puts me in a devastating position. When I think of it, I could say he might be right about it. My childhood experience is way too different than anybody else. I suffered a lot from emotional, physical, and verbal abuse from my unloving parents. I also experienced being bullied at school for being different. I don’t genuinely have friends that I can turn to. So I suppose that is where all these anger management issues arise.


Final Thoughts

It’s not often that I say this, but I know I need help. That is why I would like to open up more to my counselor about the struggle as much as reasonable. I want these anger issues to go away. But for now, my anger problems are what I can hold onto. It allows me to realize how many things I need to sacrifice to change the way I currently am.

Frequently Asked Questions On Dealing With Postpartum Depression

I was a highly emotional person when I was pregnant with my first child. I had to add the word “highly” in that sentence. The reason was that regular mothers could cry while watching a specific commercial or cat video, and people would still say, “Aww, that’s cute!” It would seem like their maternal instinct was flaring up, thus causing them to be tearful all the time.

In my case, though, I cried about everything. For instance, my husband would open the door and help me out, and I would need a minute to wipe my tears away. He had been doing that ever since we started dating, but I only felt emotional about it when I was already pregnant. Other times, gestures as simple as handing me a paper napkin, giving me a pen, asking me what ice cream flavor I wanted, and handing the remote control to me so that I could choose what Netflix movie to watch would always make me tear up.

She is holding a tissue to wipe her tears.

In all fairness to my husband, he never told me that I was weird or that I freaked him out. I was the one talking more about it because even I found it strange – and I was the one doing all that crying! He consoled me by saying that my supercharged emotions would eventually calm down after childbirth. That’s what I had been hoping for because I was not a crier before the pregnancy. It would be bad to say that I felt weak because of that. That’s not what I wanted my children to learn, but that’s how I felt when I was pregnant. I felt vulnerable, and that realization made me cry harder for days.

When I Learned The Meaning Of Too Much Wishful Thinking

Early in my third trimester, my doctor told me to get a C-section because the baby was too big. I am not the type of person to disobey my doctor’s orders to be “in” and try other delivery methods, so I said yes. Of course, it also meant that I did not need to go through labor to bring my baby into the world. That’s a win for me, for sure.

When my due date came, I woke my husband up early to be at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. The doctor was not supposed to come until 9:00 a.m., but I was too excited. While I enjoyed the last nine months and would love to do it all over again, I had not seen anything past my belly in the previous two months. If I didn’t stand in front of the mirror, I would not know what was happening down there. It made me more emotional, so I wanted to be done with my pregnancy at that time.

The birthing process was successful. I could not remember much of it because of the epidural, but my baby and I got out of the hospital with zero complications. I cried again when I saw my baby’s face and held her in my arms the first few times, but I assumed nothing of it. I merely charged it to the remnants of my intense emotions during pregnancy.

However, when two months passed and my emotions did not change for the better, I began to worry. I contacted a psychologist and told her about my symptoms. She then gave me an understanding smile and said that I could be dealing with postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis, which was common among new mothers.

Getting Diagnosed With The Condition

I had never heard of postpartum depression before, and I was utterly shocked to hear that I could be dealing with it. I was so sure that I would feel better after childbirth and that the intense emotions I experienced during pregnancy would subside, but I was wrong. I then asked the psychologist what I could do to manage my perinatal depression, and she gave me a few tips and advice.

First, she asked me to reach out and talk to other mothers who have gone through the same health depression experience. She said that it was important to know that I wasn’t alone and that I could find solace and comfort in talking to other mothers who had been in my shoes. She also suggested that I create a routine that would help me stay organized, which would include getting some proper rest, maintaining a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Of course, treatment approach is open for consideration when symptoms of depression is at stake.

I knew that it would be difficult to follow a routine when I had a newborn in the house, but I decided to try it out. I had to take the necessary steps to ensure that I was able to take care of my baby and myself. The psychologist also suggested that I take some time for myself, which I found to be a great idea. I started doing yoga and meditation in the mornings, which helped me remain calm and relaxed even when I was feeling overwhelmed.

It helped me to better identify my triggers and recognize my emotions before they got out of control. I started taking time for myself to do things I enjoy such as reading, drawing, and listening to music. This helped me to stay in a positive frame of mind and take my mind off of negative thoughts and emotions.

Talking To My Husband Helped Too

I started talking to my husband about my depression and seeking his support. He was able to provide me with a different perspective on my emotions and help me to better understand my feelings. He was very understanding and patient with me, which really helped me to cope with my depression. He would often remind me of the good things in my life and help me to focus on the positive. He was also very supportive in taking care of our baby and helping me out with household chores.

Furthermore, I saw a therapist or a mental healthcare provider on a regular basis who helped me to learn more about my depression and how to deal with postpartum depression and manage it.  With her help, I was able to better understand my emotions and get to the root of my chronic depression. During the talk therapy, she also helped me to develop strategies to help me cope with postpartum depression.

It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but I was able to overcome my postpartum depression and become the mother that I always wanted to be. I am still learning and growing as a mother and I am so grateful for the local support groups of my family member and friends. Now, I am more aware of my mental health problems and I am able to better manage my emotions. Postpartum depression is a serious issue, but I am living proof that you can overcome it.

What Are The Causes Of The Condition?

There can be two causes for postpartum depression. One is due to the physical changes that you have experienced. Once we give birth, our hormones experience a severe drop in levels. Meanwhile, other hormones produced by our thyroid gland can drop significantly, which can cause us to feel tired. Another reason for postpartum depression is that our emotions cause it. When we become new moms, we are sleep-deprived, and it can be pretty overwhelming. This can cause us to feel anxious, our self-esteem might be at a low point, and we might feel as if we have lost control.

How Long Does The Mental Condition Last?

Postpartum depression goes through three different phases. Each phase has its own time frame. In general, postpartum depression can last for months or years, depending on the person and the kind of appropriate treatment they are getting for this. It is advised that mothers experience symptoms of postpartum depression for more than two weeks. This is to avoid any further complications or issues, especially when the symptoms of new mothers’ postpartum depression show a lot of health risk factors.


How Can You Prevent Postpartum?

Postpartum depression is a serious issue affecting ten to fifteen percent of the female population after delivering a baby. Over time, there have been multiple studies that have shown many ways to prevent postpartum depression or the risk of developing postpartum depression. Right now, the best thing to do is to enroll in classes that are made available to teach us about crying patterns, sleeping patterns, and facing issues with a positive mindset, and all these classes can help you reduce the risk of developing postpartum depression.

Is Postpartum Considered A Disability?

Before you can know how to fix your postpartum depression, you must know what it is first. Postpartum is a kind of depression that affects women after they give birth. Since they cannot function without being hindered by their depression, this is considered a disability. You can claim a disability benefit for this under the Social Security benefits you have. You can seek help from a disability attorney so that you can process your claim.

Is It Normal To Cry A Lot After Giving Birth?

Being overcome by many different emotions all at once is normal, especially when you have just given birth. This is why crying a lot or maybe feeling overwhelmed by everything can be quite normal. However, once this feeling of sadness or emptiness continues to persist even after two weeks, you might be experiencing postpartum depression. Once this happens, make sure that you can seek help from a doctor to get the help you need.

Why Does It Smell Down There After Birth?

After we give birth, we have a certain type of discharge that can smell stale and musty. This discharge is referred to as Lochia. For the first few days, your Lochia will look like your regular period. After the initial discharge, the dark red color of your Lochia will turn lighter and lighter as time goes by. However, there are instances that it turns back to a darker color for a few days, but it should revert to a lighter shade which eventually stops.

Are You Fertile After Having A Baby?

The answer is yes, as early as three weeks after birth, even when your period has not started again and even if you are still breastfeeding. Ensure that you are still on your pills or any form of contraceptive to ensure that you do not get pregnant, especially the first time you have sex again after giving birth. You will still ovulate even after you have given birth, so that protection will be necessary.

Why Do You Have To Wait 40 Days After Giving Birth?

Many studies and research have been published that serve as evidence that we must wait for at least three weeks or more after giving birth. This is because when our placenta leaves our body, it can leave our uterus wounded, and it will require time for it to heal. Our blood vessels will close up the wound naturally by clotting and shrinking themselves. This process can take a long time, which is why we must wait.

Can Babies Feel When Their Mom Is Sad?

Yes, our babies can feel our emotions. Positive emotions will help give the child a happy environment as they grow, leading them to become healthier. Meanwhile, negative emotions can delay development and can decrease your baby’s health. Ensure that you can handle your emotions well during your pregnancy because your baby feels it, affecting their growth and health.


Can My Newborn Feel My Emotions?

The simple answer to this is yes. Babies can feel our emotions with rather surprising accuracy, and as with adults, emotions are very quickly able to affect our newborn babies, especially our negative emotions. Studies have confirmed that babies can determine the feelings of adults. However, this will take time before they can distinguish the emotion that adults are expressing. A study published in 2018 found that babies can determine emotions through facial expressions and tones of voice. This is because babies are developing their emotional abilities at a very early time in life.

Why Do New Moms Cry?

The most straightforward answer to this is hormones. Once a baby is delivered and the mother now begins to breastfeed, the hormone levels dramatically change. So, if you find yourself crying a few days after you give birth, you are not a lone case. This is a normal thing that many mothers experience after they give birth. There is eighty percent of first-time moms share this, and it is often referred to as “baby blues.”

How Do Moms Feel After Birth?

During the first few days of giving birth, new moms may feel many different emotions, such as feelings of extreme sadness or tearfulness, without really having a reason for these feelings. Other feelings they may feel are helplessness, crankiness, restlessness, and discouragement. The emotions that new moms may feel are due to the hormonal changes they are experiencing, the lack of sleep, and the overwhelming feeling of becoming a new mother.

How Long Do Blues Last?

Baby blues is area period after giving birth when we are filled with many negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and stress. Around 80 percent of women experience this, meaning that about 4 of 5 new mothers report experiencing the baby blues. This can last for anywhere between 10 to 14 days, and it can start happening around the second or third day after you give birth. This experience can be different for different women. So you should not expect to feel the same things as other women. If it persists longer than two weeks, make sure to consult with a doctor so he or she can assist the health conditions and provide proper health care.

How Long Does It Take For Hormones To Settle After Birth?

The best estimate for this is around six months postpartum or after birth. When hormones normalize, it usually is also the time when the postpartum period starts. This should not be a surprise because, according to studies, the hormonal changes in estrogen and progesterone will still be resetting to normal hormonal levels or pre-pregnancy hormonal levels. But again, every woman will experience things differently. One woman’s experience may not be the same as your experience or another woman’s experience. So another woman’s one to two weeks can be your three to four or another’s 6 months. This will be different for all of us.


How Can I Stabilize My Hormones After Pregnancy?

Our hormones start to settle back into the pre-pregnancy hormone levels or the baseline within the first week or two of postpartum. What you can do to stabilize your hormones is first, you have to practice daily detox rituals. You can start drinking juices filled with healthy vitamins and minerals, which will help your hormones go back to a stable level. Ensure that your blood sugar is at a good balance, and lastly, make sure that you are healing and waiting for that three-week period to be done.

Final Thoughts And Takeaway

Like forms of mental health conditions (severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder), postpartum depression did not have a cure. Taking antidepressants was out of the picture from the get-go because I was breastfeeding an infant. Thus, the mental health professional or psychologist prescribed counseling to me and connected me with other moms dealing with the same symptoms.

Little by little, my emotions became stable, and I felt more equipped than ever to become a mother.


What is the 5 5 5 rule for postpartum recovery?

What are the 3 symptoms of postpartum?

What happens if PPD is left untreated?

What is the 6-week postpartum rule?

What do I need to survive postpartum?



Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga And Mental Illness

There are so many methods that many experts and clinical physicians usually advise us when it comes to maintaining our overall health. There is an emphasis on eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water every day, surrounding ourselves with positive energy, spending time with our loved ones, and so on. However, experts advise us to concentrate more on exercise and meditation to boost our emotional and mental health if we haven’t noticed it that much. That is because these two can create a significant change in our overall wellness, especially when done regularly.


Speaking of exercise and meditation, one of the most practical and favorite techniques for relaxation techniques is yoga. It is a combination of physical exercise and mindfulness. You can go on and stretch your whole physical body and maintain strength and balance while getting enough focus on your thoughts and feelings. Yoga is an effective anxiety-killing method as it helps you relax, provides you with brighter moods, increases your energy, and helps you in your stress management process.

In case you are not certain about incorporating yoga and anxiety into your life, here are some of the frequently asked questions that might walk you through.

Is Yoga Meditation Technique Good For Mental Health Problems?

Yes. There have been many studies that prove yoga poses can help reduce stress or the impact of unwarranted stress responses. Thus, it becomes helpful for both mental health conditions and chronic pain, such as generalized anxiety disorder and depression. The ancient practice of yoga functions best because it is a self-soothing technique that can be considered relaxation, exercise, and meditation.

Which Relaxation Technique Is Best For Mental Health?

The best yoga practice that helps relax and manage stress hormones and anxiety is Hatha yoga basic poses. Its systematic review is based on being one of the most common yoga styles that suit beginners because of its slower pace and easier movements. It helps build flexibility and mobility, maintains healthy joints, promotes strength and core stability, strengthens the immune system, and improves sleep quality. It also develops balance and proprioception and develops discipline and self-control.


What Exercise Is Good For Stress?

Experts often recommend regular participation in aerobic exercise aside from regular yoga practice because it has been shown to stabilize mood, decrease overall nervousness levels, improve sleep, and build self-esteem. Even a five-minute aerobic exercise can begin to stimulate anti-anxiety and depression effects.

If you don’t like or are not comfortable moving your body simultaneously, you can consider yoga as a more relaxing and soothing way of exercising.


Why Do I Cry During Yoga?

Crying during a yoga exercise is fine because your mind is less active. Your focus is on your breathing exercises, and that allows space in your mind and body to give you the necessary time for tears to emerge from whatever you are feeling intensely. It might be tears of joy or tears of sorrow, depending on what you feel at that particular moment.

Experts often recommend regular participation in aerobic exercise aside from regular yoga practice because it has been shown to stabilize mood, decrease overall nervousness levels, improve sleep, and build self-esteem.

Is Yoga Good For Anxiety?

Yes, of course. Stretching is beneficial because it helps release tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, which are the primary physical parts that hold onto stress. Stretching supports the compression of your body, which requires you to breathe deeply. And every second of deep breathing techniques promises to reduce stress.


Can stretching improve mental health?

Treating extreme worries is a must and yes, stretching has a significant impact on your overall health. It caters to the mental and emotional state’s needs by understanding the links between the mind and body. Stretching reduces the strain of co-existing conditions between chronic physical pain and mental health. Even a couple of minutes of stretching can already provide your body and mind considerable relief.


Why does rocking help anxiety?

Rocking helps with the condition because it triggers the nervous system to release endorphins, commonly known as feel-good chemicals. In some beneficial instances, rocking acts as an important supplement to long-term care therapy programs that balance blood circulation, reduce muscle pain, and aid depression.


Can anxiety be cured completely?

No. The reason it can’t be cured is because of an people’s genetic makeup. Meaning, a person tends to have the condition because it is part of the nervous system or brain’s function. Thus, it is something no treatment can adjust. However, there are ways and scientific studies that healthcare providers know which works best for most people.


What not to mention or say to someone with anxiety?

When someone has emotional and mental issues, you should not tell them to “push through it” or “calm down.” They do not emotionally and mentally feel that way because it is a trend or something but struggles with their overall balance. You should not say, “Everything is going to be fine” because, for someone with anxiety, it will take more than just a thought of that. Thus, treat the condition properly.


Is anxiety all in your head?

All individuals experience anxiety at different levels in different periods. It’s normal because it is the parasympathetic nervous system’s way of preparing you to face or escape the danger of uncertainties. Anxiety is the first thing that you experience when dealing with stressful life situations.


How does a person with anxiety feel?

When you are anxious or scared, you experience physical symptoms such as sweating and an increased heart rate. In some cases, you also experience nervousness and restlessness or a sense of impending danger. In the worst times, it makes you feel out of control, which results in panic attacks.


What is a good gift for someone with anxiety?

Some gift ideas you can consider to help your loved ones struggling with anxiety and depression are the following: Soothing Teas, Incense, Candles, Classical Music CDs, Bath Kits, and Lavender Essential Oils. All of which contains health benefits.

What gets rid of anxiety?

To instantly reduce your anxiety disorder, here are a few things you can do as part of a randomized controlled treatment process. Take a deep breath, accept that you’re anxious, focus on things in front of you, use a calming visualization, question your thoughts, and use positive self-talk. It is vital to realize that your thoughts and feelings are important.

Does anxiety worsen with age?

Anxiety disorders do not automatically get worse with age. However, because of health-related stressful problems, financial struggle, loss of a loved one’s death, and other significant life changes, anxiety disorders escalate and stays long-term.

Concentrate more on exercise plus meditation to boost our overall mental health

Anxiety or any other mental health condition is inevitable. But when you are motivated to seek an overall physical, emotional, and mental balance, try attending a yoga class or a mindfulness practice that offers deep relaxation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Positive Mental Health And Chronic Disease

I have a childhood best friend named Rain.


From the first time that I met her at the daycare center, we had always been playing with each other. She would come over to my house for playdates and vice versa.

It was a good thing that we lived in the same neighborhood with same community of people, so we managed to enter the same elementary school and even class.

People often asked, “How are you still best friends?” I could not blame them for their curiosity because Rain and I were total opposites. Whereas I could spend hours in one corner with a good book or my coloring kit, she always felt the need to get up and explore the room and touch everything in it.

Our moods were not matched, considering I rarely smiled around others, while she was quick to offer a smile to anyone. My best friend was the picture of perfect physical and mental health.

She loved physical activity and did cheerleading for extracurricular activities, while I joined the chess club (the most boring of all clubs, according to her). You’ll never see her with decreased physical activity with her energy level.

 My typical reply was, “We are meant to be sisters.” After all, sisters do not always need to have common interests to like each other. Even when I was reading silently, and Rain was practicing her dance routines in the same room, we still felt close.

There was never an issue about school popularity, too, which my best friend dominated. We loved supporting each other no matter what.


When high school ended, Rain and I were lucky to get accepted at NYU. She majored in Dance while I focused on Finance. Again, those subjects were poles apart, but that’s okay.

I would always get a front-row seat during her recitals, and she often brought me coffee and donuts whenever I pulled an all-nighter to study. It should not be surprising that our parents agreed to share an apartment a couple of blocks away from the university.

The Sad Health News

Then, sad news rocked us all when a doctor diagnosed Rain with health scoliosis during an executive primary care checkup. The morning before that, she was still joking, “What if the doc finds out that I have an STD that I don’t know about?”

But when I came back after my classes in the afternoon, I saw her in a quiet living room in deep thought. Music always followed Rain wherever she went, so I thought that odd.

I should have seen the risk factors of the chronic illnesses then. I was really worried that this diagnosis of chronic disease will trigger depression and she will develop depression.

When I asked what happened, she told me about her scoliosis. Pouting, she said, “I want to dance forever. What guarantee do I have now that I can still do that?”


I had no idea how to answer my best friend, but I promised to accompany her to her next doctor’s appointment. While waiting for that, Rain made the diagnosis known to her coach, who also felt saddened.

Though Rain was slated to star in their Fall recital, the coach thought it was best for her to sit this one out and star in the Winter showcase to rehabilitate her back.

Of course, my best friend was not happy about it, but what could she do? I began to worry for her emotional health, but I promised myself I would always have her back.

Living With A Chronic Disease At 20

Her chronic illness began to take a toll on her mental and physical health. For a few weeks, I hardly saw Rain smile due to depression. She attended her classes, went to her part-time job, and even cheered me on during a decathlon competition, but I knew that her mind must be all over the place because of her mental health and chronic mental illnesses.

I was hoping she wouldn’t need assistance in treating her mental health, specifically depression if ever. That was until the doctor disclosed that her spine slightly curved like the letter S, but it was not prominent yet. Yey to early diagnosis!

She might have a long term chronic physical illness, but hope wasn’t lost. No chronic diseases can stop her. And thank goodness it wasn’t like a heart disease or other medical conditions or disease that could put a full stop to her career.

The appointment happened a day before my best friend’s 20th birthday. When the eve of her birthday came, our other friends and I surprised her with a cake and party.

Before blowing the candles, Rain uttered, “Starting tomorrow, I will dance again. Scoliosis can kiss me in the you-know-what.” It earned a roar of laughter and more cheers from us. Knowing Rain for so long, I knew that she meant every word. Bye bye to other medical diseases or physical health diseases for now!


The next morning, my best friend woke me up by blasting the speakers and hip-hopping in my bedroom. She was like, “Get up, sleepyhead! Early birds like us should be exercising by now!”

Since I was ever supportive, I joined Rain as she jogged around Central Park. The doctor gave her a go signal to dance again, too, provided that she wore a back brace to avoid straining her spine.

Luckily, Rain was hell-bent on starring in their Winter showcase, so she followed everything the doctor said to a T. She wasn’t going to let her mental health and chronic disease get in her way of quality of life.

Sometimes, Rain would complain about her aching back, which was expected because of the hours of practice she clocked in almost daily. But her regular X-rays from health care providers and therapy from specialty care services showed that her spinal curvature was not getting worse, so she was elated.


Health At Present

Rain went on to audition for various Broadway musicals and tried her luck on dance films. She eventually became a choreographer for a musical, and others started contacting her, asking if she could lend them some of her expertise.

How was my best friend’s scoliosis, you might ask? The physical symptoms are still there — I doubt it will ever go away. It’s rare for a chronic disease and mental health issues to ever fully disappear.

However, the most important thing was any chronic medical diseases are no longer in the way of Rain’s dreams. Thanks to the health care change routine.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

COPD And Its Impact On Family And Friends




COPD is one of the most common chronic lung diseases that affect more than just the individual who is diagnosed. It also has a tremendous impact on family and friends. We will discuss here the ways that this might occur and what can be done.

Some studies reveal that the effect of chronic conditions on family members, friends, and significant others may not be like that of the individual diagnosed. But others have shown that in a lot of ways, it may be the same as well.

Stages of Grief

Supposing that the effects are the same as for the diagnosed individual, the family may also undergo the five phases of grief.

Denial. The usual phrase you hear during this stage would be, “This is not happening to our family! I don’t believe that someone from my family has COPD!” If you have a family member with COPD, you might go through this stage by denying that your loved one’s condition will eventually go away or be cured. This might be a normal method for tackling change. On the contrary, the condition may be considered minor or may be secondary to aging. Just as the way the diagnosed individual denies the impact of COPD, the family member may also be in denial of the changes that are seen along the way.

Anger. Family members feel devastated about the whole thing, oftentimes leading to anger and frustration. Some families project their anger towards the doctors after they have given the diagnosis. They become upset at the researchers for not providing sufficient information about preventing the disease. They may feel mad at the pharmaceutical companies for not developing more effective medicines. Or perhaps you feel anger at the person who is diagnosed because he did not quit smoking or not being mindful of taking care of his physical health.

Negotiating/Bargaining. The guilty feeling comes in after the anger. The family member feels bad about not being able to help the diagnosed person stop smoking sooner, or that he never did anything to avoid him from having the disease. Subsequently, he negotiates to deal with the guilty feeling. He begins to ask himself questions like, “What if he didn’t smoke ever,” or, “What if she didn’t in that polluted factory in the first place,” or, “What if I noticed it earlier?”




Depression. The sadness about the whole situation becomes more profound. For the diagnosed individual’s family members, they feel very anxious that their loved one will suddenly experience shortness of breath or worse, not be able to breathe at all – and that there is nothing they can do about it. They worry about how much the condition will cost them financially, emotionally, and physically.

Acknowledgment/Acceptance. Ultimately, in the end, you accept the situation as it is, and you help each other cope as a family. The entire family, including the diagnosed individual, learns to accept the changes that have occurred and the changes that will be anticipated. You, as a family member, will eventually commit to doing what is required to help your loved one to live comfortably and cope well with his COPD.

Counselors agree that people go through these stages differently. In some, the stages happen in order and quickly, and in others, they go through them rather slowly. Still, there are several who skip one or two of these stages or even drift in and out of each stage. For example, a person may feel very sad initially, and then he skips and goes right towards acceptance, but then he yoyos through these two stages, going in and out of depression. It is not the same for everyone.

Financial Effects

COPD undoubtedly impacts the whole family financially as well. Patients with chronic lung diseases can live through their condition for a long time, and the condition progresses, the patient can lose or decrease his ability to do particular activities of daily living. This will lead the family to hire someone to care for him, especially if the family members are loaded with responsibilities with their work and their own families as well.

Consequently, the financial impact of the disease will lead to sleeplessness, anxiety, and stress. Some family members quit their jobs so that they could provide support for their diagnosed loved one. They are also worried about the cost of hiring a nurse assistant or paying for their medicines, or the bills for their doctors’ appointments and routine tests. Thus, the financial crisis can affect the economic state of the whole family. As stress and anxiety build-up, possible health-related issues also develop in some family members. It is, therefore, vital that guidance and support from the entire family are present.





Indeed, chronic diseases like COPD impact friends and family members often more than the loved one that has been diagnosed with the disease. It is, therefore, crucial that caregivers acknowledge this fact and consider treating it appropriately. The patient’s support network of family, friends, and significant others is critical to effective patient care.




Getting Over Paranoia: How To Do It The Right Way


Are you always suspicious of people or things around you? Is it difficult to trust other persons, even those who are close to you? Do you fear that something terrible is going to happen at any time? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you may have paranoia.

Continue reading “Getting Over Paranoia: How To Do It The Right Way”

COVID-19 Awareness: What Makes You Lose Your Motivation?

Understandably, this whole pandemic situation can significantly affect you. It can bring tons of anxiety and stress that you feel you cannot handle. Sometimes it brings a lot of negativity that can make you feel hopeless and worthless. But if you think about it, isn’t it the time where your focus should be on motivating yourself instead of always thinking that there’s nothing you can do? If that’s not how you feel, perhaps there are some reasons you don’t feel motivated at all.


You Have Zero Connection To Your Goals

Your goals have to be relevant to you. Maybe the reason why you don’t find yourself motivated enough is that you don’t know what you want. Perhaps you thought that you are currently unable to achieve the things you wish to have because of the restrictions you are experiencing right now. That is why you carry an emotional weight. If this is the case, you might want to re-check your goals one more time. And if this pandemic situation is affecting it, consider making adjustments.

You Lack Independence

An unmotivated individual used to complain about everything. Most of the time, his only focus is negativities. That is because he somehow feels anxious about everything, especially the idea of doing things all alone. In this time of crisis, where you have to distance yourself from a lot of people, the tendency to lose all your self-confidence is there. If that is the case, you should find the right reasons for you to stay mentally and emotionally stable.


You Reward Yourself Too Much

Honestly, it is okay to reward yourself when you achieve something better in life. However, it would be best if you considered that your situation now is different from the way it was. Thus, you need to work hard and strive even though you won’t receive anything. If you are losing all that motivation just because you think your efforts are all going to be useless, you might want to thank life itself for giving you a chance to live through this whole global crisis.

You Feel Bored

Boredom happens to be one of the top reasons why you are unmotivated. Honestly, that is understandable. With all the home quarantine and social distancing protocols, all you have is yourself and a couple of few people to surround you. Sure, there are all kinds of ways that you can entertain yourself. But without social connection and outside-your-home- experiences, things can get a little bit boring. If you continuously feel bored and think that social connection can help you get through emotional strain, use technology for communication.


You Have All Time In The World

It may sound positive, but having all the time at the tip of your hands is not that motivating. Honestly, it can cause procrastination and too much self-confidence. This pandemic situation allows you to have all the time you need because part of the safety measure is for you to stay at home and spend time with family. However, there is a chance that you often find yourself always lying in bed. Or maybe you spend too much time on your smartphone. It merely implies that having all the time you want is not healthy for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.


You Overthink

One essential thing that you need to understand is the danger of overthinking. It keeps you unmotivated because it makes your brain less functional. You become unaware of your response to situations because you shut yourself out from valid reasoning. With that, you get hooked to tons of what-ifs and blame particular things for your life’s misfortune. If that’s how it is, please do take time to practice mindfulness.