Frequently Asked Questions On Dealing With Postpartum Depression

I was a highly emotional person when I was pregnant with my first child. I had to add the word “highly” in that sentence. The reason was that regular mothers could cry while watching a specific commercial or cat video, and people would still say, “Aww, that’s cute!” It would seem like their maternal instinct was flaring up, thus causing them to be tearful all the time.

In my case, though, I cried about everything. For instance, my husband would open the door and help me out, and I would need a minute to wipe my tears away. He had been doing that ever since we started dating, but I only felt emotional about it when I was already pregnant. Other times, gestures as simple as handing me a paper napkin, giving me a pen, asking me what ice cream flavor I wanted, and handing the remote control to me so that I could choose what Netflix movie to watch would always make me tear up.

She is holding a tissue to wipe her tears.

In all fairness to my husband, he never told me that I was weird or that I freaked him out. I was the one talking more about it because even I found it strange – and I was the one doing all that crying! He consoled me by saying that my supercharged emotions would eventually calm down after childbirth. That’s what I had been hoping for because I was not a crier before the pregnancy. It would be bad to say that I felt weak because of that. That’s not what I wanted my children to learn, but that’s how I felt when I was pregnant. I felt vulnerable, and that realization made me cry harder for days.

When I Learned The Meaning Of Too Much Wishful Thinking

Early in my third trimester, my doctor told me to get a C-section because the baby was too big. I am not the type of person to disobey my doctor’s orders to be “in” and try other delivery methods, so I said yes. Of course, it also meant that I did not need to go through labor to bring my baby into the world. That’s a win for me, for sure.

When my due date came, I woke my husband up early to be at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. The doctor was not supposed to come until 9:00 a.m., but I was too excited. While I enjoyed the last nine months and would love to do it all over again, I had not seen anything past my belly in the previous two months. If I didn’t stand in front of the mirror, I would not know what was happening down there. It made me more emotional, so I wanted to be done with my pregnancy at that time.

The birthing process was successful. I could not remember much of it because of the epidural, but my baby and I got out of the hospital with zero complications. I cried again when I saw my baby’s face and held her in my arms the first few times, but I assumed nothing of it. I merely charged it to the remnants of my intense emotions during pregnancy.

However, when two months passed and my emotions did not change for the better, I began to worry. I contacted a psychologist and told her about my symptoms. She then gave me an understanding smile and said that I could be dealing with postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis, which was common among new mothers.

Getting Diagnosed With The Condition

I had never heard of postpartum depression before, and I was utterly shocked to hear that I could be dealing with it. I was so sure that I would feel better after childbirth and that the intense emotions I experienced during pregnancy would subside, but I was wrong. I then asked the psychologist what I could do to manage my perinatal depression, and she gave me a few tips and advice.

First, she asked me to reach out and talk to other mothers who have gone through the same health depression experience. She said that it was important to know that I wasn’t alone and that I could find solace and comfort in talking to other mothers who had been in my shoes. She also suggested that I create a routine that would help me stay organized, which would include getting some proper rest, maintaining a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Of course, treatment approach is open for consideration when symptoms of depression is at stake.

I knew that it would be difficult to follow a routine when I had a newborn in the house, but I decided to try it out. I had to take the necessary steps to ensure that I was able to take care of my baby and myself. The psychologist also suggested that I take some time for myself, which I found to be a great idea. I started doing yoga and meditation in the mornings, which helped me remain calm and relaxed even when I was feeling overwhelmed.

It helped me to better identify my triggers and recognize my emotions before they got out of control. I started taking time for myself to do things I enjoy such as reading, drawing, and listening to music. This helped me to stay in a positive frame of mind and take my mind off of negative thoughts and emotions.

Talking To My Husband Helped Too

I started talking to my husband about my depression and seeking his support. He was able to provide me with a different perspective on my emotions and help me to better understand my feelings. He was very understanding and patient with me, which really helped me to cope with my depression. He would often remind me of the good things in my life and help me to focus on the positive. He was also very supportive in taking care of our baby and helping me out with household chores.

Furthermore, I saw a therapist or a mental healthcare provider on a regular basis who helped me to learn more about my depression and how to deal with postpartum depression and manage it.  With her help, I was able to better understand my emotions and get to the root of my chronic depression. During the talk therapy, she also helped me to develop strategies to help me cope with postpartum depression.

It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but I was able to overcome my postpartum depression and become the mother that I always wanted to be. I am still learning and growing as a mother and I am so grateful for the local support groups of my family member and friends. Now, I am more aware of my mental health problems and I am able to better manage my emotions. Postpartum depression is a serious issue, but I am living proof that you can overcome it.

What Are The Causes Of The Condition?

There can be two causes for postpartum depression. One is due to the physical changes that you have experienced. Once we give birth, our hormones experience a severe drop in levels. Meanwhile, other hormones produced by our thyroid gland can drop significantly, which can cause us to feel tired. Another reason for postpartum depression is that our emotions cause it. When we become new moms, we are sleep-deprived, and it can be pretty overwhelming. This can cause us to feel anxious, our self-esteem might be at a low point, and we might feel as if we have lost control.

How Long Does The Mental Condition Last?

Postpartum depression goes through three different phases. Each phase has its own time frame. In general, postpartum depression can last for months or years, depending on the person and the kind of appropriate treatment they are getting for this. It is advised that mothers experience symptoms of postpartum depression for more than two weeks. This is to avoid any further complications or issues, especially when the symptoms of new mothers’ postpartum depression show a lot of health risk factors.


How Can You Prevent Postpartum?

Postpartum depression is a serious issue affecting ten to fifteen percent of the female population after delivering a baby. Over time, there have been multiple studies that have shown many ways to prevent postpartum depression or the risk of developing postpartum depression. Right now, the best thing to do is to enroll in classes that are made available to teach us about crying patterns, sleeping patterns, and facing issues with a positive mindset, and all these classes can help you reduce the risk of developing postpartum depression.

Is Postpartum Considered A Disability?

Before you can know how to fix your postpartum depression, you must know what it is first. Postpartum is a kind of depression that affects women after they give birth. Since they cannot function without being hindered by their depression, this is considered a disability. You can claim a disability benefit for this under the Social Security benefits you have. You can seek help from a disability attorney so that you can process your claim.

Is It Normal To Cry A Lot After Giving Birth?

Being overcome by many different emotions all at once is normal, especially when you have just given birth. This is why crying a lot or maybe feeling overwhelmed by everything can be quite normal. However, once this feeling of sadness or emptiness continues to persist even after two weeks, you might be experiencing postpartum depression. Once this happens, make sure that you can seek help from a doctor to get the help you need.

Why Does It Smell Down There After Birth?

After we give birth, we have a certain type of discharge that can smell stale and musty. This discharge is referred to as Lochia. For the first few days, your Lochia will look like your regular period. After the initial discharge, the dark red color of your Lochia will turn lighter and lighter as time goes by. However, there are instances that it turns back to a darker color for a few days, but it should revert to a lighter shade which eventually stops.

Are You Fertile After Having A Baby?

The answer is yes, as early as three weeks after birth, even when your period has not started again and even if you are still breastfeeding. Ensure that you are still on your pills or any form of contraceptive to ensure that you do not get pregnant, especially the first time you have sex again after giving birth. You will still ovulate even after you have given birth, so that protection will be necessary.

Why Do You Have To Wait 40 Days After Giving Birth?

Many studies and research have been published that serve as evidence that we must wait for at least three weeks or more after giving birth. This is because when our placenta leaves our body, it can leave our uterus wounded, and it will require time for it to heal. Our blood vessels will close up the wound naturally by clotting and shrinking themselves. This process can take a long time, which is why we must wait.

Can Babies Feel When Their Mom Is Sad?

Yes, our babies can feel our emotions. Positive emotions will help give the child a happy environment as they grow, leading them to become healthier. Meanwhile, negative emotions can delay development and can decrease your baby’s health. Ensure that you can handle your emotions well during your pregnancy because your baby feels it, affecting their growth and health.


Can My Newborn Feel My Emotions?

The simple answer to this is yes. Babies can feel our emotions with rather surprising accuracy, and as with adults, emotions are very quickly able to affect our newborn babies, especially our negative emotions. Studies have confirmed that babies can determine the feelings of adults. However, this will take time before they can distinguish the emotion that adults are expressing. A study published in 2018 found that babies can determine emotions through facial expressions and tones of voice. This is because babies are developing their emotional abilities at a very early time in life.

Why Do New Moms Cry?

The most straightforward answer to this is hormones. Once a baby is delivered and the mother now begins to breastfeed, the hormone levels dramatically change. So, if you find yourself crying a few days after you give birth, you are not a lone case. This is a normal thing that many mothers experience after they give birth. There is eighty percent of first-time moms share this, and it is often referred to as “baby blues.”

How Do Moms Feel After Birth?

During the first few days of giving birth, new moms may feel many different emotions, such as feelings of extreme sadness or tearfulness, without really having a reason for these feelings. Other feelings they may feel are helplessness, crankiness, restlessness, and discouragement. The emotions that new moms may feel are due to the hormonal changes they are experiencing, the lack of sleep, and the overwhelming feeling of becoming a new mother.

How Long Do Blues Last?

Baby blues is area period after giving birth when we are filled with many negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and stress. Around 80 percent of women experience this, meaning that about 4 of 5 new mothers report experiencing the baby blues. This can last for anywhere between 10 to 14 days, and it can start happening around the second or third day after you give birth. This experience can be different for different women. So you should not expect to feel the same things as other women. If it persists longer than two weeks, make sure to consult with a doctor so he or she can assist the health conditions and provide proper health care.

How Long Does It Take For Hormones To Settle After Birth?

The best estimate for this is around six months postpartum or after birth. When hormones normalize, it usually is also the time when the postpartum period starts. This should not be a surprise because, according to studies, the hormonal changes in estrogen and progesterone will still be resetting to normal hormonal levels or pre-pregnancy hormonal levels. But again, every woman will experience things differently. One woman’s experience may not be the same as your experience or another woman’s experience. So another woman’s one to two weeks can be your three to four or another’s 6 months. This will be different for all of us.


How Can I Stabilize My Hormones After Pregnancy?

Our hormones start to settle back into the pre-pregnancy hormone levels or the baseline within the first week or two of postpartum. What you can do to stabilize your hormones is first, you have to practice daily detox rituals. You can start drinking juices filled with healthy vitamins and minerals, which will help your hormones go back to a stable level. Ensure that your blood sugar is at a good balance, and lastly, make sure that you are healing and waiting for that three-week period to be done.

Final Thoughts And Takeaway

Like forms of mental health conditions (severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder), postpartum depression did not have a cure. Taking antidepressants was out of the picture from the get-go because I was breastfeeding an infant. Thus, the mental health professional or psychologist prescribed counseling to me and connected me with other moms dealing with the same symptoms.

Little by little, my emotions became stable, and I felt more equipped than ever to become a mother.


What is the 5 5 5 rule for postpartum recovery?

What are the 3 symptoms of postpartum?

What happens if PPD is left untreated?

What is the 6-week postpartum rule?

What do I need to survive postpartum?



Positive Mental Health And Chronic Disease

I have a childhood best friend named Rain.


From the first time that I met her at the daycare center, we had always been playing with each other. She would come over to my house for playdates and vice versa.

It was a good thing that we lived in the same neighborhood with same community of people, so we managed to enter the same elementary school and even class.

People often asked, “How are you still best friends?” I could not blame them for their curiosity because Rain and I were total opposites. Whereas I could spend hours in one corner with a good book or my coloring kit, she always felt the need to get up and explore the room and touch everything in it.

Our moods were not matched, considering I rarely smiled around others, while she was quick to offer a smile to anyone. My best friend was the picture of perfect physical and mental health.

She loved physical activity and did cheerleading for extracurricular activities, while I joined the chess club (the most boring of all clubs, according to her). You’ll never see her with decreased physical activity with her energy level.

 My typical reply was, “We are meant to be sisters.” After all, sisters do not always need to have common interests to like each other. Even when I was reading silently, and Rain was practicing her dance routines in the same room, we still felt close.

There was never an issue about school popularity, too, which my best friend dominated. We loved supporting each other no matter what.


When high school ended, Rain and I were lucky to get accepted at NYU. She majored in Dance while I focused on Finance. Again, those subjects were poles apart, but that’s okay.

I would always get a front-row seat during her recitals, and she often brought me coffee and donuts whenever I pulled an all-nighter to study. It should not be surprising that our parents agreed to share an apartment a couple of blocks away from the university.

The Sad Health News

Then, sad news rocked us all when a doctor diagnosed Rain with health scoliosis during an executive primary care checkup. The morning before that, she was still joking, “What if the doc finds out that I have an STD that I don’t know about?”

But when I came back after my classes in the afternoon, I saw her in a quiet living room in deep thought. Music always followed Rain wherever she went, so I thought that odd.

I should have seen the risk factors of the chronic illnesses then. I was really worried that this diagnosis of chronic disease will trigger depression and she will develop depression.

When I asked what happened, she told me about her scoliosis. Pouting, she said, “I want to dance forever. What guarantee do I have now that I can still do that?”


I had no idea how to answer my best friend, but I promised to accompany her to her next doctor’s appointment. While waiting for that, Rain made the diagnosis known to her coach, who also felt saddened.

Though Rain was slated to star in their Fall recital, the coach thought it was best for her to sit this one out and star in the Winter showcase to rehabilitate her back.

Of course, my best friend was not happy about it, but what could she do? I began to worry for her emotional health, but I promised myself I would always have her back.

Living With A Chronic Disease At 20

Her chronic illness began to take a toll on her mental and physical health. For a few weeks, I hardly saw Rain smile due to depression. She attended her classes, went to her part-time job, and even cheered me on during a decathlon competition, but I knew that her mind must be all over the place because of her mental health and chronic mental illnesses.

I was hoping she wouldn’t need assistance in treating her mental health, specifically depression if ever. That was until the doctor disclosed that her spine slightly curved like the letter S, but it was not prominent yet. Yey to early diagnosis!

She might have a long term chronic physical illness, but hope wasn’t lost. No chronic diseases can stop her. And thank goodness it wasn’t like a heart disease or other medical conditions or disease that could put a full stop to her career.

The appointment happened a day before my best friend’s 20th birthday. When the eve of her birthday came, our other friends and I surprised her with a cake and party.

Before blowing the candles, Rain uttered, “Starting tomorrow, I will dance again. Scoliosis can kiss me in the you-know-what.” It earned a roar of laughter and more cheers from us. Knowing Rain for so long, I knew that she meant every word. Bye bye to other medical diseases or physical health diseases for now!


The next morning, my best friend woke me up by blasting the speakers and hip-hopping in my bedroom. She was like, “Get up, sleepyhead! Early birds like us should be exercising by now!”

Since I was ever supportive, I joined Rain as she jogged around Central Park. The doctor gave her a go signal to dance again, too, provided that she wore a back brace to avoid straining her spine.

Luckily, Rain was hell-bent on starring in their Winter showcase, so she followed everything the doctor said to a T. She wasn’t going to let her mental health and chronic disease get in her way of quality of life.

Sometimes, Rain would complain about her aching back, which was expected because of the hours of practice she clocked in almost daily. But her regular X-rays from health care providers and therapy from specialty care services showed that her spinal curvature was not getting worse, so she was elated.


Health At Present

Rain went on to audition for various Broadway musicals and tried her luck on dance films. She eventually became a choreographer for a musical, and others started contacting her, asking if she could lend them some of her expertise.

How was my best friend’s scoliosis, you might ask? The physical symptoms are still there — I doubt it will ever go away. It’s rare for a chronic disease and mental health issues to ever fully disappear.

However, the most important thing was any chronic medical diseases are no longer in the way of Rain’s dreams. Thanks to the health care change routine.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Psychiatry In Coping With Multiple Sclerosis and Mood-Related Symptoms

In the almost 2,000 patients surveyed, perception of their own health correlated most with pain – a symptom that has increasingly been recognized in MS, but is not even part of most standard MS measures of disability. The second most linked symptom with patients’ perception of their health was walking ability, followed then by fatigue.” This statement came from Lauren Krupp, M.D., and Robert Charlson, M.D.

Dealing with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis or MS is complicated because of its link to many psychiatric issues. It causes a swirl of different moods due to the deterioration of the nerves. The disease may let the patient feel anxiety, depression, anger, and stress. However, it is not impossible to deal with these emotional mood swings with the help of a good doctor, proper medication, and self-discipline. 

One of the ways to deal is to talk to licensed experts at BetterHelp. They also have Twitter and Instagram. The platform is discreet and offer a nonjudgmental ear. 


Continue reading “The Psychiatry In Coping With Multiple Sclerosis and Mood-Related Symptoms”

Coping With Multiple Sclerosis

What is multiple sclerosis? Multiple Sclerosis or MS is an autoimmune disorder that damages the nerve fibers found in the brain and spinal cord. It causes a wide variety of symptoms and infectious factors as a result of nerve damage and other abnormalities in the nervous system. There is no cure for this chronic disease at the moment. Let’s discuss one of the most prevalent demyelinating diseases that more and more families have suffered from.

MS is a neurological condition that develops when the immune system mistakenly attacks and damages nerve cells, specifically the myelin sheath that protects nerve fibers. This damage can occur in various parts of the brain, including the spinal cord and optic nerves, and can lead to a range of symptoms such as memory problems and sexual function issues. When people develop MS, they may suffer brain cells and nerve fiber damage.

An MRI can help diagnose multiple sclerosis. Blood tests and a lumbar puncture may also be needed. A lumbar puncture is a diagnostic test that involves taking a sample of the spinal tap, which is the fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.

Illustration of how autoimmune disease MS affects the brain and the central nervous system.

Primary Progressive MS

People with primary progressive MS obviously develop problems progressively. Its first symptoms include feeling electrical signals, double vision and other optic nerve problems, and other specific symptoms. Secondary progressive MS on the other hand, usually comes after relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.

MS can be influenced by various factors, including low vitamin D, which may increase the risk of developing the disease. MS can affect different parts of the body, including the brain spinal cord, and optic nerves, and can lead to symptoms such as body temperature dysregulation. Some studies have also suggested that infectious mononucleosis may increase the risk of developing MS.

According to the clinical practice of an occupational therapist at Mayo Foundation, people with MS often experience muscle stiffness, walking difficulties, lesser Vitamin D levels, nerve damage, muscle spasms, and vision problems and are at a greater risk of developing autoimmune diseases or autoimmune disorders. These factors in addition to environmental factors can exacerbate already existing nerve damage in people who have no physical activity or those with Epstein-Barr virus and t cells problems. The disease could wear down their own tissues.

In addition, there is a gradual worsening of symptoms in the central nervous system and immune system. Before the disease-modifying therapies became available, it was reported that about half of the patients with MS diagnosis, particularly those with remitting MS, would lead to secondary progressive MS within a ten-year timeframe.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

However, relieving symptoms, disease progression, and a few disorders from the brain and spinal cord are possible through medicine and conducting lifestyle changes that help suppress and manage the disease. Consultation for people with MS symptoms with a medical specialist will help find the proper treatment for common symptoms such as double vision, muscle weakness, mental health issues, sexual dysfunction, bowel control, and other more specific symptoms.

Multiple Sclerosis causes damage in many areas of the nerve fibers in the nervous system. This leads to symptoms that are often different for different people with MS. These include things as seemingly diverse as fatigue, walking problems, other physical trauma, depression, cognitive impairment, muscle tightness, or bladder problems,” says Lauren Krupp, M.D., and Robert Charlson, M.D.

A clinically isolated syndrome is an MS disease course where the common symptoms initially are caused by the loss of myelin sheath in the central nervous system. Clinically isolated syndrome lasts within 24 hours.

Understanding Some Of The Obvious Flare-Ups

The most basic therapy treatments for MS that doctors usually give are disease-modifying drugs, medical education, optical coherence tomography, and other treatment strategies that adhere to approved clinical features. The drugs will be responsible for slowing down disease progression and preventing flare-ups that may occur. They also prohibit nerve and immune system attacks. Some of these drugs are injectable while others can be taken orally by the patient.

“Behavioral medicine is often an important and necessary component in the interdisciplinary treatment of MS patients. Patients and family members might find the disease difficult to fathom, as they may feel that hopes, dreams, and goals for the future will drastically change,” says Amy Sullivan, Psy.D.

Different Ways Of Handling MS Symptoms

There are also some ways that can help in handling your MS symptoms such as:

A plate of healthy meal full of green leafy veggies.

Healthy Choices For Multiple Sclerosis

The good thing about MS is that there is no strict diet to follow. However, it is better to start doing a healthy eating routine to prevent a higher risk, especially for those with primary progressive MS experience. Consider food that is rich in fiber and nutrients that can sustain your body and strengthen the brain and spinal cord.

Moreover, for people experiencing new symptoms of other diseases, there are new treatments that no longer rely on alternative medicine and single test. An example is plasma exchange. New MRI technology today can also scan through MRI lesions that outdated MRI scanners are not capable of doing.

As With Most Health Conditions, Stress Is Bad For This Condition

Stress can worsen your MS symptoms, particularly when it affects your central nervous system. It is why patients with multiple sclerosis need to check their stress levels, as this is an unpredictable disease. The National MS Society recommends people with MS to consider doing relaxing activities that may lower their stress such as meditating and reading. (If you are stressed out, it would be better to speak with specialists from BetterHelp. BetterHelp is an online site that provides you with affordable, accessible, and convenient sessions with amazing therapists and counselors. They have qualified therapists and support groups for a reasonable price.

Cool Ventilated Place To Reduce MS Attacks And Manage Symptoms

Cold temperatures can reduce the chances of increasing risk factors and triggering a flare-up in primary progressive MS as well as in secondary progressive MS, while hot places can worsen it. It is best to listen to your body’s needed temperature.

Staying Awake Late – Avoid staying up late at night and follow your sleeping schedule correctly. It will not only keep you in good condition, but it will also help you generate the necessary energy for your body, hence, reducing muscle weakness.

Move Your Body – Regular exercise is not compulsory, particularly in people with MS who have had neurological disorders and stroke. However, it helps your muscles to be in good working condition if you do so. Additionally, it can also prevent the patient to be in a depressing mood which may trigger MS symptoms. This is supported by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Comprehending The Known Triggering Factors and Other Ways To Cope With MS Autoimmune Disorder

  • Never try to postpone your Multiple Sclerosis treatment. This is crucial in those with developing MS. Multiple sclerosis treatment should be right after a medical history, blood tests, and a definitive MS diagnosis. Delaying it will only make your mild symptoms worse making everyday living harder. The frequency of multiple sclerosis flare-ups, immune system attacks, and relapses will be faster if not appropriately assessed. Physical and occupational therapy also play a crucial role as they treat specific symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
  • Keep a journal or record of your Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. It will help the doctor assess the development during the treatment. It will also allow them to know if the primary medicines and other drugs are having any effect or if there is a needed change in the treatment. Additionally, it helps in recognizing any deterioration if a new symptom is visible after a day or more.

More Things To Know And Consider About The Disorder

Many triggering risk factors can worsen the course of the disease, so it is a necessity to avoid them at all costs. Some of the lists of elements are fatigue, lack of sleep, high temperature, and stress. “For persons with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis or only remitting MS, early in the disease, depression appears to be linked to inflammatory processes. Later, in the secondary-progressive phase, unhelpful thoughts, such as feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or hopelessness are more frequent. So the depression, in this case, is thought to be more reactive — linked to frustrations with lifestyle changes or loss of function,” explains Meghan L. Beier, M.A., Ph.D.

As with other health conditions, stress can increase the risk of flareups of the MS symptoms.

Preventing The Progression Of MS With The Use Of Therapy Treatment

Multiple sclerosis is not life-threatening in most cases, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and there is a possibility to live a regular life with the right therapy – physical therapy, disease-modifying therapies, complementary and alternative therapies, muscle relaxants and other drugs, and other treatment strategies. Consider some self-research regarding your disease, including your disease onset and immune system, and try to understand the facts behind it. The misconception about multiple sclerosis is what makes it hard to manage, especially if it takes a relapsing-remitting disease course, so as much as possible, it is advisable to find a doctor or medical specialist that knows how to prevent the progression of multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, causing damage to the protective sheath around nerve fibers. People with MS may experience a range of symptoms, including communication problems, which can impact their ability to socialize and maintain relationships. Smoke tends to cause more damage and exposure to certain infections has been linked to an increased risk of developing MS. Low vitamin D has also been associated with the development and progression of MS. With proper management and treatment, many people with MS find ways to live fulfilling lives. Numerous clinical trials are also underway for people who want to explore new options.

FAQs On Multiple Sclerosis And Developing MS

What Is The Main Cause Of MS, Including Benign MS?

Scientists are yet to pinpoint the exact cause of multiple sclerosis, including benign MS. It is believed that this condition is caused by a combination of factors, including environmental triggers and genetic susceptibility, which leads to the autoimmune response against the central nervous system.

What Are Usually The First Signs Of An Increased Risk Of MS?

The first signs of increased MS risk typically start with the symptoms, namely numbness or tingling of limbs, blurred vision, fatigue, and difficulties with balance and coordination. These signs definitely need further evaluation and a more thorough diagnosis to determine the possible presence of MS.

How Do You Get Multiple Sclerosis?

People develop MS when their immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, the central nervous system’s protective covers. The exact trigger or reason why this happens is still unknown to science, but it is thought to involve a complex interaction of environmental and genetic factors.

Is The Spinal Cord Primarily Affected?

While the condition affects multiple parts of the central nervous system, including the brain and the optic nerves, the spinal cord is the primary affected area. Damage to the spinal cord can cause neurological symptoms and impairments, depending on its specific lesion location.

What Is Life Expectancy For Relapsing-Remitting MS According To The Institute Of Neurological Disorders?

Since this condition is influenced by different factors, including its trigger, severity, and health condition of the individual, MS from one person to another varies greatly, there is no specific life expectancy for relapsing-remitting MS. It is important to note that this condition is no considered fatal, and many people with MS have a normal life expectancy.

Describe Immune System Attacks.

During an MS attack, the immune system mistakenly targets and attacks the protective layer around the nerves of the spinal cord (also found in the brain) called myelin. This causes a disruption in the transmission of electrical signals, resulting in various neurological symptoms.

Can MS And Its Symptoms Go Away?

MS is a chronic condition, there is no known cure for it. However, it can enter remission periods where symptoms disappear or improve. Treatment for the condition varies from symptom management, slowing the progression of the disease, and improvement of quality of life.

Can Multiple Sclerosis Be Cured?

There is no cure for MS, there are only treatments to manage its symptoms, slow down its progression, and improve quality of life. This includes medication, physical therapy, lifestyle change, and various strategies for the management of symptoms.

 Can Support Groups Help?

Support groups can be very beneficial for people with MS; they provide a platform to share experiences, get vital information about the condition and effective ways the management of its symptoms, and empower each other through emotional support. They can help with the physical, emotional, and social aspects of living with a chronic condition.

Can You Have MS For Years And Not Know It?

Yes, that is possible. Initial symptoms of MS can be quite subtle and may go unnoticed, the same goes for periods of remission. However, diagnosis can be made through clinical evaluation, tests, and medical history.

What Are The Four Stages Of MS, Including Its Chronic Disease?

The four stages of MS are clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS), and primary progressive MS (PPMS). These stages represent different patterns, progression, and symptoms of the condition.

What Does MS Pain Feel Like?

Pain from MS varies widely, ranging from burning sensation, electric shock-like sensation, tingling, numbness, stabbing, or sharp pain, etc. These sensations can be experienced in different parts of the body.

Is Multiple Sclerosis Caused By Stress?

Stress doesn’t cause MS, but it can worsen its symptoms and may exacerbate and cause a flare-up. This is why stress management techniques are vital in managing MS symptoms.

Can You Live A Normal Life With MS?

With the right symptom management plan and support, people with MS can live a fulfilling and productive life. There are, of course, adjustments needed to accommodate the symptoms of the condition. Of course, access to healthcare, lifestyle change, and a strong support system are crucial.

How Serious Is MS?

MS is a chronic and potentially debilitating condition. Its severity ranges from mild to severe, and its impact on one’s life can vary as well since it affects vision, coordination, mobility, and cognition.

3 Apps To Liven Up Your Boring Smartphone

Are you losing interest in your mobile device? If you only charge your smartphone these days so that your mom can check on you or your friends can text you the deets about your next restaurant or bar you are going to invade, then you are wasting the generous internal storage space you have been given, and the time you can while away with the most unique apps you will ever find online. Allow us to introduce you to some of them.


Dog Licks Screen Wallpaper

If you love dogs, but you cannot be with them often because they are not allowed in the dorms, you are too busy to care for one, or your or one of your housemates is allergic to them, you can still feel their affection when you download the Dog Licks Screen wallpaper, albeit virtually.

The wallpaper is in a video format, so you will not end up with a still image of a dog with its tongue hanging out. The reason why this is better than a mere picture is that the former can get you as close as your LCD allows to having your hand or face by an adorable dog. Remember that licking is a pooch’s sweet way of showing their affection, their trust.

This app cannot send a live, yapping dog right at your doorstep, but it can make you feel the same warmth that you may experience once you are with the real thing.


My4Faces Dreamland

Mobile games enhance someone’s focus and quick-mindedness, as well as improve their mood and creativity. If you are too exhausted from studying or work, it will be nice to be able to reach in your pocket, unlock your smartphone, and get wittier once more while having so much fun.

My4Faces Dreamland is one of the latest gaming apps you can find on Google PlayStore. In a nutshell, it can make your stress levels go down as you move up the game levels. This is explicitly designed in a way that you can forget some of the things that bother you in the real world and, yes, be in dreamland. The rules of the game are pretty straightforward; you do not have to be a tech genius to understand how you can get the most pleasure out of it. You will immediately feel like you have been using the app for a very long time.


Bubble Shift Mania

Life is too short to let the activities or people do nothing but cause you bad luck. Even if you are a very accommodating person, sometimes you have to be firm at saying “no thanks” to those who are worthy of this reply. All the same, you should start being more receptive towards the things that may become your new favorite, like Bubble Shift Mania, for instance.

This online game will let you release all your pent-up energy and emotions by popping as many bubbles as you can in one go. You cannot bring back the time, but you can play this game while thinking of every regrettable decision you have made as every bubble that bursts on your screen. It is a great and adorable reminder too that pesky problems will always come up, but you are more than capable of clearing your path.


The common denominator of these three applications is that they can all be had for free! So, feel free to check them out anytime. A little advice, though: try not to get addicted to them if you can help it.

4 Benefits Of Visiting A Dentist Regularly



As the world bears witness to various advancements that humans generate daily, the people who belong to the food and beverage industry are doing the same thing. In truth, a lot of chefs at present are into creating fusion dishes by combining ingredients from different regions. The more cuisines we get to choose from, though, the more we are all at risk of having cavities or other problems. Hence, here are the four benefits of visiting a dentist regularly.

1. Take Care Of The Gums

The gums are as important as the actual teeth. If the clients’ gums are weak and often affected by diseases, the teeth may weaken and fall off as well. It is not something that you can detect, though. This is why you need to check with a dental practitioner as often as possible. “These infections weaken the body’s immunity system and allow harmful bacteria to spread. If your gums are inflamed, consult with a dentist as soon as possible,” Sean Grover L.C.S.W. wrote.

2. Get Rid Of Bad Breath

If the patient works in the marketing industry and talks to many individuals face-to-face, it will be embarrassing if others can smell your bad breath. Even when you are studying, your classmates may not want to sit beside you if foul odor comes out of your mouth. This problem can be because of gum disease, decaying tooth, or food stuck in between the teeth. Regular brushing does not resolve it, so you have to let a dentist help you. According to Alessandro Villa, DDS, PhD, MPH, “Bad breath can originate both inside and outside of the mouth. Bad breath is typically caused by bacteria present on the teeth and debris on the tongue.”

3. Replace Teeth



In case the customer has no other way to take care of their real teeth, he or she has to deal with the choice of receiving implant-supported dentures. The new piece of tooth or a set of teeth should come from a reliable doctor who understands how important it is in various industries to always show a great smile. Without gaining access to proper dental replacements, it may be difficult to see another person grin freely again.

4. Maintain The Whiteness of the Teeth

A great general dentist will be capable of introducing various teeth-whitening methods that are non-invasive and cannot hurt the individual. Knowing that one has such beautiful teeth can effectively increase his or her self-confidence and make it effortless for the person to offer a smile to a colleague or an acquaintance.

5. Strengthen The Teeth

Dentists have the right devices to get rid of cavities and diverse forms of bacteria that may be living in an individual’s mouth or in between their teeth. When they have these removed, he or she will have a higher chance of not even needing the implant-supported dentures.



Final Thoughts

The worst-case scenario is that you will lose all your teeth and require false ones. Whether you like it or not, you cannot look after your pearly whites on your own. That is especially true if you have no self-control when it comes to choosing the foods that you will eat. Sour foods, for instance, can break down the enamel that protects your teeth. If you go for sweets and not brush them regularly, though, it can cause tooth decay.

“You might discover that your warm smile has not only the power to uplift others, but that it also offers a wonderful gift to yourself—the gift of enjoying more moments of being present and connected,” John Amodeo Ph.D., MFT said. Visit the dentist’s office near your place before it’s too late. Good luck!

The Ultimate Guide To Improving Mental Wellness 

One of the things that you must master at this point in your life is to improve your mental wellness continuously. Take note that your mental health can affect your daily mood as well as your drive to get things done. This is the primary reason why it is essential on your part to focus on how you can improve the state of your mind. Luckily, there are several ways on how you can accomplish this.


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