How To Treat Multiple Sclerosis Without Drugs



Having multiple sclerosis is not a walk in the park. As an autoimmune disease, the doctors cannot honestly pinpoint what causes the immune system – your body’s first line of defense – to turn against you. Some days you feel as healthy as an ox; other times you lose your vision, feel numb, have trouble with your balance, etc. Undoubtedly, it doesn’t just bring physical pain but also emotional distress since the disorder robs off your capability to do even regular tasks. “Identifying the predictors of pain is important for both health professionals and researchers, because pain has repeatedly been found to be a strong predictor of activity limitations and participation restrictions,” Shahnaz Shahrbanian, PhD wrote.

Once diagnosed, a physician can prescribe medicine or therapy or both. The thing is, neither can cure the condition, and you may get short-term relief in exchange for thousands of dollars’ worth of medical bills throughout your life. In case that fact doesn’t sit well with you, realize that there are ways to treat multiple sclerosis without drugs.


Manage Digestive Problems

The disease wreaks havoc efficiently and almost stealthily as it begins in your gut, the section where everything you consume temporarily settles before they go to their rightful places. “The gut is the second largest site of exposure of the body to the outside world after the skin, which is a largely impermeable barrier,” explains Daniel Mielcarz, PhD. In case your intestines become inflamed due to the unpleasant substances they have to deal with often, they can malfunction and push the contaminants toward the bloodstream. The harmful chemicals can then reach the nervous system at that point and disturb the central organ – the brain – that tells the rest of the body what to do.

To fight multiple sclerosis, therefore, you need to fix your digestive problems first.


Detoxify Your System

Now that we are in the modern age, it is effortless to inhale or consume substances that seem good yet are bad for our health. Fast foods, for instance, bring you closer than ever to saturated fats and sugars that most likely affect the progression of the disease. Every straw you sip on, every plastic cup or utensils you use, may allow heavy metals like silver and lead to enter your bloodstreams.

“What we eat influences the ability of bacteria in our gut to produce small molecules, some of which are capable of traveling all the way to the brain. This opens up an area that’s largely been unknown until now: how the gut controls brain inflammation,” Francisco Quintana, PhD explains.

In reality, a human body does not have the proper tools to transform all of that into useful nutrients. That’s why they often remain as toxins in there until you find a way to flush them out. Thus, you may do juice cleanses a few times a week. Or, drink green tea and other herbs with anti-inflammatory properties on a daily basis to detoxify your body.




Say No To Candida Overgrowth

Have you ever had a yeast infection? It is the ailment that results from the excessive amount of fungus growing either inside or outside of your system. How that usually takes place is similar to how bakers activate the dry yeast that makes the bread soft and fluffy – by feeding sugar to the microorganisms and leaving them in warm water.

What connects this issue to multiple sclerosis is the truth that you tend to cure the infection with antibiotics or steroidal creams. When they’re absorbed, your brain signals the immune system to blindly fend off the chemicals even though they mean no harm. But since your antibodies are under mutiny, the drugs can trigger the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, giving you pain.

For that reason, avoid the germination of candida at all costs. Stop eating dairy products or taking probiotics for some time as well as they contain live active culture that promotes yeast growth.