Therapists Explain The Benefits Of Healthy Living On Your Mental Health

Therapists say a healthy lifestyle can be beneficial in several ways. Not only does it help promote a good physical condition, but it can also help improve both your emotional and mental well-being. “Staying fit is not just for your body. It is also important to keep a fit brain. Brain fitness is about keeping the mind sharp and preventing or battling cognitive disease.” This is according to Trudi Griffin, LPC. A healthy lifestyle can range from a variety of activities such as exercise, creating a balanced diet, to abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes.

In addition to that “The food you eat can have a direct effect on your energy level, physical health, and mood. A “healthy diet” is one that has enough of each essential nutrient, contains many foods from all of the basic food groups, provides the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight, and does not have too much fat, sugar, salt, or alcohol,” as stated by Carol A. Gooch, M.S., LPC, LCDC, LMFT

Indicators Of A Healthy Lifestyle


You can ask yourself the following questions to determine whether or not you’re living a healthy lifestyle.

  • Do you smoke?
  • Do you eat at least two to three servings of fruits and vegetables every day?
  • Do you eat a variety of food (go, grow, glow) every day?
  • Do you limit your intake of salty, fried, fatty, and sugar-rich foods?
  • Do you drink at least eight glasses of water every day?
  • Do you exercise at least 30 minutes or more, five times a week?
  • Is your body mass index (BMI) within the normal range (18.5–24.9)?
  • Do you sleep for at least eight hours a day?

If your answer to most of these questions is no, then you probably need to change your lifestyle because you aren’t living a healthy one. You must reconsider how you live your daily life, knowing that the current one you’re living isn’t healthy.

A Healthy Lifestyle And A Healthy Mind

Therapists and psychologists have found a connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind. This idea is also accurate the other way around. It has a long history that started way back in the 4th-century bc, with Hippocrates acknowledging the moral and spiritual aspects of healing.

Hippocrates’ idea promoted the fact that the mind plays a vital role in balancing the healing of an individual. This idea was furthered by Walter Cannon, who coined the phrase “fight-or-flight response” and discovered a direct relationship between stress and neuroendocrine responses. With the help of more scientists and psychologists, they were indeed able to find a connection.


Through different body-mind therapies, you form a connection. These therapies include cognitive–behavioral therapy, meditation, yoga, prayer, creative arts therapies, and hypnosis. These are some activities that require physical movement or interactions with our body.

We can further strengthen their connection, knowing that each mental state has physiology associated with it. You can experience the relationship through the release of hormones.

Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Now that we know the connection between the mind and body, we can look into the benefits of a healthy lifestyle so that we can appreciate it even further. Here are five of the most notable benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. It improves your immune system. A healthy lifestyle helps you lower the risk of developing any diseases like cancer, obesity, heart conditions, or others. Smoking, alcohol, or any other forms of unhealthy living are especially related to these illnesses.
  2. It boosts your mood and energy. Regular exercise can help boost your mood and energy. Exercise can also help improve your cardiovascular health. Thus, it is essential to leave some time for a simple walk around a park or even just an early morning jog. Physical activity stimulates your endorphin, a brain chemical that gives you the feeling of joy and relaxation. Other healthy habits you can try out include making social connections and volunteering.
  3. It promotes healthy weight loss. A healthy diet can give you a better physique. By eating the right amount and with enough variety, you avoid excess weight gain. If you do this regularly, you’re sure to maintain a healthy weight. You need to monitor the calorie content of the food you eat so that you can control your weight. Avoid skipping meals since this increases your blood sugar. Also, remember to limit your consumption of sugary beverages like fruit juice and soda. You can also consider consuming lean meat.
  4. It enhances sleep. Proper diet and exercise help you get better sleep. By sleeping for at least 8 hours, you lower the risk of developing sleep disorders like insomnia. Enough sleep also allows you to feel like you’ve got the rest you need after a long day at work. Not having enough sleep often leaves you feeling tired upon waking up. According to Jann Gumbiner, Ph.D “Regular sleep is important. Sleep has restorative power and evidence shows that sleep enhances memory and improves attention. Sleep is not an option. It is essential.”
  5. It helps you make better decisions. You improve your mental well-being and become more capable of making the right decisions. You become less clouded with distractions and remain focused on the things you need to accomplish. Having a clear and healthy mind can ultimately help you reach your dreams and goals.

Are you considering changing your lifestyle? The best time to start is now!

Psychologists Agree That Chronic Diseases Are Everybody’s Business

Individuals suffer at least one chronic disease and mental health problem in their lives. There are diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, stroke, and even mental health conditions. Nearly one out of four of these people have problems accepting and addressing the situation. With that, there is a restriction of daily physical activities, problem-solving capabilities, as well as limited cognitive use. The developing number of individuals undergoing severe health conditions put an alarm in the medical field. And since mental health issues are the ones that seem to take less of the public’s interest compared to all other chronic diseases, psychologists try to emphasize on it.

According to Katie Willard Virant MSW, JD, LCSW, “To live with chronic illness is to live with a heightened sense of uncertainty.  We do not know when our symptoms will flare, if and when our illness will worsen, and whether or how well treatment will work.”


Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Perhaps people already know what anxiety is and how it potentially affects each of their lives. But first, it is essential to note that there are different kinds of anxiety disorders. There is social anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. However, generalized anxiety disorder is the most common and specific type of them all. Its causes are not fully understood. However, it is more likely a combination of both emotional and biological factors. The condition marks excessive worry and fear. “People with this disorder worry about a number of concerns, such as health problems or finances, and may have a general sense that something bad is going to happen. Symptoms include restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems and generally feeling on edge,” C. Vaile Wright, PhD and collaborators note. There is uneasiness that lasts for about six months or longer. The disease manifests both physical and emotional symptoms too. In the emotional aspect, it includes persistent, exaggerated, and unrealistic fear that significantly impacts a healthy life. While on the physiological point, it makes the heart beats faster, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and there is lightheadedness, nervousness, muscle tension, as well as stomach problems.



Depression is one of the most widely known mental illnesses that seem misunderstood and taken lightly. Its characterization includes lower mood levels and emotional meltdowns. It averts activities that affect a person’s behavior, thoughts, feelings, and sense of well-being.  It affects people at any age in various phases of their lives under different circumstances too. It is not well-defined what causes the mental condition to arise. However, studies show a significant relation of the disease to biological processes, personal circumstances, psychological factors, and particular events in life. These include an early life experience such as emotional neglect, trauma from sexual and physical abuse, and even poor parent-child relationship. Depression can manifest in several various signs. “It is a mood disorder characterized by prolonged feelings of sadness and loss of interest in daily activities,” Dina Cagliostro, PhD added. But the symptoms that people should look out for are the feeling of emotionally low all the time, loss of energy and motivation, general lack of interest on things, difficulty in concentration, and self-isolation. Though it targets the emotional aspect more, the physical impact gets no exemption as well. Depression also shows restlessness; it causes sleep problems, loss of appetite, rapid loss or gain of weight, and decreased sexual desire.


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a common mental condition that affects a vast number of individuals. It manifests in either type 1 or 2 complications. Individuals with bipolar I have at least one episode of mania. It appears as an elevated abnormal mood partnered with high energy. It alternates with periods of severe depression. However, bipolar II differs due to hypomania and depressive episodes. It contains a less elevated mood. Meaning, it is not as intense as the latter, but it can create an instant shift from being happy and active to sad and dormant. But whatever the types are, the symptoms are almost the same for the two types of conditions. Both of the states include mania or feeling overly happy for an extended period. There is also a feeling of sadness and hopelessness, and it supports extreme fatigues the same as depression. In some other cases, people with bipolar disorder are impulsive and irrational.  The cause of the condition is unclear. Unfortunately, it can last a lifetime.

All of these mental conditions are what almost all people are experiencing. With its severity, chances of brain damage get handed on the table. People can expect chronic mental conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.

Managing and treating chronic mental illnesses place a significant burden on society and health systems. Its conditions are growing, and tons of people are getting affected by it. So since its presence takes a toll on all of the individual lives, everyone should do something about it. Everybody should raise awareness and understand what these mental health problems can do to the community.

Battling Stress In Living With A Chronic Illness


Being told that you have a chronic health condition can be very disorienting. Aside from the confusion, the news may even lead to depression, anxiety, and stress. And instead of going after the probable cure or treatment, most people in such a situation would sulk and then lead to a troubling emotional state. This condition will not help people in their healing process.

Continue reading “Battling Stress In Living With A Chronic Illness”

My Life Long Battle With A Chronic Disease

When I tell people I have a chronic disease and mental health problem, they often look at me and say “No you don’t. You seem to look fine.” Yes, I understand the confusion because I too see myself as physically okay. However, my invincible illness is not allowing me to feel better about myself even though I tried therapy online. So, allow me to share my situation, and let me start from the very beginning when I thought that something wrong was happening with me.


Continue reading “My Life Long Battle With A Chronic Disease”

The Advantages Of Online Counseling For Inviduals With Depression

Online counseling, also known as teletherapy or online therapy, has revolutionized the way mental health support is delivered. Through secure video conferencing platforms, individuals can engage in therapy sessions with licensed professionals from the comfort and convenience of their own homes. Virtual therapy offers numerous advantages, including increased accessibility, especially for those who face geographical or mobility limitations. It eliminates the need for travel and provides a flexible scheduling option. Moreover, online counseling preserves privacy and reduces the stigma often associated with seeking mental health services, allowing individuals to receive support in a comfortable and familiar environment. With the ability to connect in real-time, virtual therapy provides effective and reliable therapeutic interventions, empowering individuals to address their mental health concerns and work towards personal growth and well-being.

Many people are already enjoying the different perks and advantages brought by the latest inventions of virtual therapy.

What is Virtual Counseling?

Nowadays, many new patients are already enjoying the different perks and advantages brought by online CBT or online therapy. A traditional therapy journey consisted of accessing mental health care through face-to-face therapy and body language. For those who experienced common mental health issues like stress, anxiety, depression, immediate anger, immediate danger, and those experiencing suicidal thoughts, they had to be in the waiting room as their licensed therapist, and there had to be direct treatment.

In this modern time, people should access therapy and mental health services to support mental health treatment. Anyone can order grocery items in a digital setting, pay bills through online accounts, or book tickets for travels through online services. At the same time, the availability of gadgets like phones, tablets, and laptops gave rise to the option of online therapy for mental health services.

As you probably know by now, mental health counseling, particularly online cognitive behavioral therapy, is one of the many forms of treatment that a person with a mental illness can avail of to manage his mental health conditions.

At the same time, the services of online therapy mental health professionals are also necessary for patients who suffer from the complex symptoms of their psychological issues or serious psychiatric illnesses. Because of the availability of online therapy or e-therapy, it cannot be denied the number of people who constantly seek in-person therapy has increased over the past few years, and more and more prefer it to traditional therapy. Therapy, in any form, is deemed necessary.

As per Rhonda Williams, Ed.D., LPC, NCC “Personal therapy, nurturing your own emotional self, evaluating relationship issues, engaging in stress and health care management and positive recreational activities, offers value in burnout prevention as well.”

What Virtual Therapists Say About The Using Technology To Attend Sessions

A distinct benefit of an online therapy service is its convenience for the therapist as well as in-person therapy. A lot of counselors are starting to adapt to the changes in society. As such, many of them are already in the field of online therapy for their mental well-being. At this point, you are probably wondering whether it is possible to seek the direct assistance of a therapist even if you’re in a rural area or rural location but have access to an internet connection. “Still, online therapy of almost any sort can prove helpful to the many individuals who for whatever reason cannot visit the therapist’s office, have a physical disability or physical barriers, or are in complex crisis situations,” says Susan Heitler, Ph.D. As it seems, it is highly probable to still avail of the services of a therapist for mental health even if you long distances from each other. In this article, allow us to respond quickly and provide you with the top reasons why online therapy is equally effective as in-person therapy for your mental health.

Benefits Of Virtual Therapy For Your Mental Health

Learning about the advantage of attending virtual therapy for mental health is crucial for individuals seeking support and well-being. Virtual Therapy provides a convenient and accessible platform for people to address their mental health concerns from the comfort of their own homes. By understanding the advantages of this approach, individuals can overcome barriers such as limited access to traditional in-person counseling, geographical constraints, and time limitations. Virtual therapy offers flexibility in scheduling appointments, ensuring that individuals can receive the support they need at a time that works best for them. It also provides a sense of anonymity and privacy, reducing the stigma often associated with seeking mental health assistance. By embracing the advantages of virtual therapy, individuals can actively engage in their mental health journey, fostering emotional resilience and a path toward healing.

Easy Access At Home Compared To Traditional Therapy Sessions

If you are the type of person who has a busy schedule at work and home and it’s difficult for you to do real-world interactions, then you probably do not have enough time for an in-person therapy session. You may end up feeling too exhausted to leave your residence for a mental health care appointment or meetings with a research professional therapist. Talking to them about your eating disorder and body weight gain is a must.

Fortunately, online therapy has become an acceptable alternative. Before, it was just a new concept made popular by figures like Deborah Baker. Nowadays, you can already enjoy the opportunity to receive online treatment and not need direct human contact and practice social distancing – just the right therapist who can provide effective online therapy. You might think that this is a problem with unreliable technology. But all that you must do is have a good internet connection and a clear computer screen or phone in your own home. The benefits of online counseling and therapy are further supported by John M. Grohol, Psy.D., who said: “It is easier, in some cases much more easily, to contact your online therapy providers or online therapists through website e-mail and get a quick response than if you video call a therapist or psychiatrist in real-life to ask a general question about mental health.”

Cost-Effectiveness And Flexible Hours Through Virtual Therapy With Real Professionals

Online therapy offers you the freedom to set a date for an online session according to your preference. The right online therapist will merely wait for you to arrange an appointment. Do not worry because the response will be highly excellent to ensure that you will not be disturbed at any time during your resting period or busy season. Online therapy lets you choose the perfect time to start therapy with your selected therapist. At the same time, some companies even allow cancellations of interested appointments as long as you do it before the cut-off. Needless to say, virtual therapy or online therapy has fewer overhead costs, so the fees are probably lesser too. Nonetheless, it is still best if you will make an effort to stick with your original schedule.


Learn the advantages of joining virtual therapy especially for teens who suffer from anxiety and depression

Virtual Therapy Offers More Privacy, Facilitates A Convenient Way For Patients To Open Up

Though there are several healthy psychotherapy benefits of online therapy, there are also just a few reasons why it can be challenging; one is opening up in future therapies or sessions with a trained counselor. You will find it awkward to talk about a personal tragedy, problems, sad facial expressions, or concerns with your mental or physical health because you fear that the other person will charge you for it. However, things had already changed when online mental health counseling for mental health treatment was introduced to the market.

Affordable Fees Compared With In-Person Therapy

The professional service fees of experts can be expensive, and the rate will depend on several factors. It is the primary reason why you can see many experts charging different rates. As a client, your primary concern is probably all about expenses for the therapy sessions. If you want to save more on this item, it is best if you do online therapy.

The rates for this kind of service are way lower compared to an in-person counseling or therapy session. Keep in mind that the reason for this small rate is that overhead costs or expenses have been decreased. Additionally, insurance company out-of-state providers are covering and paying for online therapy as well.


A sad teen thinking about depression, whether she would join a virtual therapy with a doctor or not. Check this out.

Online Counseling Benefits For Teens

Online counseling offers several benefits for teenagers. Firstly, online counseling provides a safe and comfortable space for teens to express themselves and seek support without the fear of judgment or stigma. Many teenagers feel more at ease opening up about their emotions and challenges in an online setting, where they have control over their environment. Virtual mental therapy also increases accessibility for teens, especially those who may have limited transportation options or live in remote areas. It allows them to receive professional help conveniently from their own homes, saving time and resources. Moreover, virtual therapy provides a range of therapeutic modalities tailored to meet the specific needs of teenagers, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or art therapy. It empowers teens to actively engage in their mental health journey and develop valuable coping skills and strategies that can support them well into adulthood.

Final Thoughts On Online Counseling- Should I Attend Online Counseling For Greater Benefits?

The trend these days is to go for virtual treatment instead of the traditional one. If you prefer to have a personal interaction with a therapist, you can also make this happen by choosing the latter. On the contrary, if you think of the perks mentioned above, virtual help can become the next big thing in the market.

Online Counseling FAQs – Learn More About Online Counseling Benefits

Why is online therapy important?

Online therapy is important because it enhances accessibility and convenience in mental health care. It allows individuals to seek therapy from the comfort of their homes, ensuring timely access to support. This convenience is particularly valuable for those with mobility issues or in remote areas. Online therapy also reduces the stigma associated with seeking mental health help and offers various communication options to cater to individual preferences. Overall, it plays a vital role in expanding access to effective mental health care services.

Is online therapy effective or reliable?

Online therapy can be both effective and reliable for mental health support, often proving as effective as in person sessions. Its success depends on factors like the quality of the platform, therapist competence, and effective communication. Numerous studies have shown its effectiveness for conditions like depression and anxiety. However, individual experiences may vary, so choosing a reputable platform and therapist is crucial. Overall, therapy online offers accessible and convenient mental health care, making it a valuable option for many individuals.

What are the disadvantages of online therapy?

Is online therapy better than traditional therapy?

The choice between online therapy and traditional in-person therapy depends on individual preferences and health care needs. Online therapy offers convenience, while in-person therapy provides face to face interaction and nonverbal cues. Success in therapy hinges on the therapeutic relationship and therapist’s skills, making the format a matter of personal preference and health care requirements.

What is the purpose of virtual therapy?

What benefits can we get from counseling?

Is online therapy just as good as in-person?

Online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many people, depending on individual preferences and the nature of the issue. Success in therapy relies on the quality of the therapeutic relationship and the therapist’s skills, making the choice between online and in-person therapy a matter of personal comfort and suitability for one’s needs. This applies to various therapy types, including behavioral therapy, family therapy, and others.

How is virtual therapy done?

Is virtual therapy safe?

Is virtual therapy cheaper?

What is the importance of virtual therapy?

Virtual therapy, or teletherapy, is crucial because it increases access to mental health care, making it easier for individuals to find a therapist. In the comfort of your home or office, you can access virtual therapy, benefiting from its convenience, reduced stigma, and timely support. It maintains privacy, can be cost-effective, and addresses the growing demand for mental health services as a scalable solution.

What are the forms of online counseling?

Learn About The Importance Of Food-Based Multivitamins


Hearing about a case of malnourishment within the family or anywhere in the country is very disheartening. The condition is connected to undernourishment, although they are not synonymous since even an overweight person can experience the former. Many seemingly healthy individuals go through it as well due to the nutrients lacking in their foods. The symptoms include anemia, dry skin, and weak muscles – disorders we associate to some illnesses yet rarely to vitamin deficiency.

Continue reading “Learn About The Importance Of Food-Based Multivitamins”

Staying Hopeful Despite My MS



I’m Heila, and I was diagnosed with MS just two years ago. Since then, people would always tell me not to lose hope and to practice positivity, but none of them has ever told me how. It actually frustrates me when they tell me this, saying something without really knowing what they’re talking about.


I soon realized that I myself had to seek ways to remain hopeful despite my illness. I’ve read about people like me who managed to live a happy life. They spend time with family and even travel with them, and I want that for myself too. I never want to sulk with sadness about something that I didn’t do – it just happened to me. I want to remain hopeful for my husband and my only daughter.


These are some of the ways that I have found and practiced to keep me hopeful and positive despite my chronic illness. I wish that if you or someone you know has MS, this will serve as a guide and inspiration to live the same way I do now.


Ways To Stay Positive Even With A Chronic Illness


  • Prepare some positive statements to replace the negative ones. The vital point to remember is to be aware of your thoughts. Once you begin to drift away and think of guilt, anger, jealousy, or hatred, close your eyes, take a deep breath and compose a positive statement that would help you fight and win over the negative thoughts and feelings. “When you harness the power of positivity, it’s amazing the impact it has on your life. It can decrease stress and make every moment worth experiencing,” Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. wrote.



An example would be when your friends invite you over for a party, and you want to go home because it is very cold. You complain and regret why you went out with them, yet come to think of it.    If you stayed home, you would stay awake all night watching television, bingeing, and crying over the cheating boyfriend who left you. And then you think, “Thank God that there’s only the cold that I need to tolerate – not the pain and the loneliness.”


  • Be Grateful For The Small Successes. With an illness like multiple sclerosis, waking up in the morning feeling very little pain is something to thank for, so if you have a few days like these, be grateful. Smile. Sometimes, we tackle such big issues in life that we forget to appreciate the simple gifts – of family, shelter, television, and chocolates! When you contemplate on your day and you were able to smell the flowers in your garden, take an afternoon walk with your favorite coffee, joined your family for a wonderful dinner, then you have won over your illness – today. Tomorrow is another day, and you will try again. “Gratitude is an affirmation of the goodness in one’s life and the recognition that the sources of this goodness lie at least partially outside the self,” Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D. says.


  • Take Control Over Your Stress. Everyone, including those who do not have a disease, is not spared from stress. They come in many forms. You may experience them at work, in school, relationships, and in my case, tackling a chronic illness. No one lives a stress-free life, no matter how much protein shake you drink and meditations you do. Andy Tix Ph.D. emphasized that, “In order to respond effectively to life stressors, we must realize we have at least some control—if nothing else, over our attitudes.”


Perhaps you can try and manipulate stress. When you encounter a new stress from a problem, decide whether it is something that you can change or do something about. If it’s something inevitable and there’s nothing you can do to modify it, then it’s really not something to be stressed about. It is a waste of your time, mental strength, and emotions.



Another strategy you can try is to use stress as a motivation. It makes you work harder to get a promotion. It can encourage you to study and get higher grades. And it can push you to fight and be more determined to survive and live happily despite your disease.


If these three suggestions do not work, please do seek help from a mental health professional. You will need all the physical, emotional and mental strength you can get in battling multiple sclerosis or other chronic diseases.




Hope For A Better Life With Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an incapacitating disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. The immune system attacks the insulation surrounding nerve fibers causing its breakdown, thus, resulting in communication problems between the brain and areas of the body. “Uncertainty is one of the hardest parts of any progressive and unpredictable disease,” Ivan Molton, Ph.D. said.



Symptoms and Risk Factors

Statistics show that about 20% of people with multiple sclerosis have no or only mild symptoms.

Some of the early signs and symptoms could be:

  • Balance difficulty
  • Muscle aches and spams
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Bladder issues
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Vision problems
  • Cognitive problems

Progression and severity of the disease differs in each person depending on

  • age at the initial onset of symptoms
  • if on the initial symptoms, just one area of the body is affected
  • if it affects mental function, motor control, or urinary control at the initial symptoms


Multiple sclerosis may be an incurable disease, but MS patients can have a lifespan as long as the general population.   They just have to live a better life full of hope that their condition will improve because there are people who never lose confidence and never give up doing their best to find a cure. “People with MS benefit from having a comprehensive care team in place, and that oftentimes will include a mental health clinician Talk to your doctor who may be able to help or refer you for services,” Lauren Krupp, M.D., and Robert Charlson, M.D. wrote.


Hope in Stem Cell

The method is still in clinical trial and could be the future for MS treatment.  It is a process of applying the patient’s stem cell by injecting it into the spinal fluid to restore limb function.  The result of the trials was impressive with reports of improvement in the muscle function only after 24 hours, and after a few days, the patients can exercise and move just like before the diagnosis.

“There is an increasing body of evidence indicating that the effectiveness of such procedures is very good. The proportion of patients having gone through such a procedure having NEDA is unparalleled by other trials and ways of treating MS,” Jan Hillert, MD, PhD states.

Hope in OMS-7 (Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis 7-Step Recovery Program)

Professor George Jelinek formulated this program after his diagnosis of MS.   This is a lifestyle and diet modification program combined with conventional medicine.  This program aims to help people with MS to live a better life – healthier and longer – by reducing the chance of relapse and slowing the progression of the disease.  This program gives hope to the MS patients that their function and symptoms still can improve.


Hope in Rehabilitation

Studies and research reveal that disabilities and impairment in function can improve through rehabilitation.

Trans-spinal direct current (ts-DC) is a technique used to promote motor responses by waking up weak muscles or lessening their activity when spastic. This method has resulted in many MS patients increasing their ability to rehabilitate their body.




Hope in Travel

There are people with MS who do travel as their therapy.  People with MS have to plan early on so they will be ready and prepared before they travel, especially regarding their medications that they have to bring. They also need to make sure that they inform other people about their illness so that these people will know what to do in case of emergency.   There’s no need to worry regarding ambulation because people with MS can go around with a cane, walker, scooter or wheelchair.   Travel gives people with MS joy and makes them forget that they have an illness even for a short while.  They never let their MS get in the way of enjoying life.


Hope in Meditating

Meditation helps a lot regarding keeping the feelings of uncomfortable tingling and prickling at bay.   People with MS start to feel better, motivated, energetic and full of joy in their daily lives.   Meditation reduces, if not entirely gets rid of, stress that can very well trigger a relapse.



MS could be debilitating but don’t let it be your end.   There’s hope of a better life in every circumstance.   You may sacrifice some areas of your life to adapt to a new lifestyle.  You can accept this as a challenge and never give up as only you can do it for yourself.  It’s never easy, but it is achievable. Just have faith and hope.  If some people who have multiple sclerosis can overcome the disease, so can you.

Defying Chronic Illnesses Without Trying

There is no better prevention of chronic illnesses than to stay healthy. Our body has its defense system that protects it from being damaged or harmed by external stimuli or sometimes from internal factors. Defying chronic illnesses is not really a concern for anyone until someone close to us or we, ourselves, are diagnosed with one. “It can be difficult to deal with a diagnosis of a chronic illness,” Wayne Osborne, MD shares.




Did you know that we can actually defy chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more without trying? It is all about doing things the right way.

Every day, there are things that we don’t really pay attention to. They are our regular routines that could go unnoticed because we consider them normal, but when we do these things the right way or even better, we could make our body healthier and stronger.


What are the usual routines we do that might have a significant impact on our health?


 Waking Up

Wake up early enough every day to get the morning sunlight, and its health benefited the body in producing vitamin D which helps in improving bone health and boosting our immune system. Our immune system serves as our defense against any threats to our health.


Drinking Water

Our body is made up of 70% drinking any liquid. We may have heard the full benefits of water. Aside from hydration, water cleanses the body and helps in proper regulation of blood in the system. Matthew J. Edlund M.D. says that “It’s easy to stint on drinking outside in summer. It’s not enjoyable carrying water. It interferes with fun things to do. Yet it’s necessary for your well being.”





If you cannot jog every day, make sure to take a walk for at least an hour. Walking can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels, and it also reduces the risk of high blood pressure or any heart-related disorder. Mylea Charvat, Ph.D. notes that, “Exercise has long-lasting benefits for both the body and the mind.” Aside from the physical benefits of walking, it also helps relax the mind and improve the mood.



According to Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, “Man is what he eats.” It could mean that our health depends on what we take inside our body. Everything that we consume has either a good or bad effect on us. We know which foods are good for the body, but ironically, we still choose to munch on the unhealthy stuff like fries, doughnuts, burgers, chips and other junk food. If we want to stay healthy, we should eat right by eating nutritious food like fruits and vegetables.




Sleeping is the time when our body gets to relax and heal. Avoid staying up late and make sure that you get to sleep at least 8 hours. Sleep deprivation can cause severe damage to our health, and we can develop chronic illnesses. Lack of sleep can make us moody and stressed which would eventually cause our body to react negatively as stress is one of the leading factors for most illnesses.




Defying chronic illnesses is all about doing what our body naturally does and doing them the right way. It is about being aware of the things that are good for us and applying them to our everyday lives, avoiding the things which we know can be harmful to our overall well-being.